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Integrative Project

What Is The Integrative Project?

MPH students complete an Integrative Project (IP) to demonstrate synthesis of foundational and program competencies. Students select foundational and program-specific competencies appropriate to the student’s educational and professional goals.

The Integrative Project (IP), along with your Practice Experience (PE), are the culminating experiences of your Master of Public Health training. The Integrative Project (IP) is a personal portfolio of work completed as part of your degree program, along with a reflective self-assessment. You will take the 1-credit IP the last term of your MPH.

The portfolio is composed of four parts and must accomplish six criteria
  1. Demonstration of CEPH Foundational Competency #6 and the ability to apply an equity lens in relation to a public health issue.
  2. Application of existing theory and/or empirical evidence to support a public health program, policy, or research study.
  3. Description of the context and implications of a public health program, policy, research study, or issue.
  4. Clearly communicate to other public health professionals.
  5. Demonstration of 5 CEPH foundational competencies.
  6. Demonstration of 4 program competencies.

Important Resources

IP Course Registration Form

Download Form

IP Assessment Rubric

Download Rubric

Project Syllabus

Download Syllabus

IP Template

Download Syllabus

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to write a new paper for the integrative project?

No, you are submitting assignments previously submitted in your other MPH courses that are high quality. You will then assess yourself on learning objectives and competency demonstration.

When should I register for the IP?

Given the self-reflective nature of IP, you should register for it the last term of your MPH degree. If you wish to register for your IP before the last term of your MPH, you need PE/IP Coordinator approval.

Integrative Project Contacts

If you have questions please reach out to one of the Integrative Project (IP) contacts below.

Practice Experience AdministratorAndrew
Director of Applied LearningJamie
Biostatistics PE/IP CoordinatorByung
Epidemiology PE/IP CoordinatorSarah
Environmental Systems & Human Health PE/IP CoordinatorTawnya
Health Management & Policy PE/IP CoordinatorNeal
Health Promotion PE/IP CoordinatorBradley
Public Health Practice PE/IP CoordinatorJamie