Marilynn and Dick Whetsell Scholarship
The Marilynn and Dick Whetsell Scholarship is for students applying for the Pathway 2 Lactation Practicum in the School of Public Health. The donors to this fund hope to help prospective lactation consultants realize their career goals.
Find the answers to your questions about our lactation programs scholarship opportunities.
Why does this program offer Lactation Scholarships?
Our program offers two scholarships each year to increase diversity in the lactation profession, decrease financial barriers to lactation training, and support students who demonstrate a commitment to positively contributing to the lactation field.
Who is eligible?
Students who plan to apply for our Pathway 2 Lactation Practicum in the next academic year, have completed or are completing our Lactation Education courses and have met our prerequisite requirements.
What will I need in order to apply for the Lactation Scholarship
Students need to complete the application, which includes some essay questions, and provide two professional reference letters.
When do I need to apply for the Lactation Scholarship?
Scholarship applications are usually accepted from early February to mid April for the next academic year. See the application for the specific due date.
What can the scholarship funds be used for?
Students can use the scholarship funds to pay for PSU tuition, books and IBCLC exam fees.
How much do scholarship recipients receive?
Each scholarship recipient will receive at least $1,000 and may receive more based on availability of funding.
Lactation Scholarship Recipient Story
Alexandra, one of our past Lactation scholarship recipients, talks about her journey to becoming an IBCLC & Certified Nurse Midwife, and the work she is doing now.
Below is a list of financial aid options available to Lactation Education students.
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Scholarships
Undergraduate students in the School of Public Health will want to apply for Federal Student Aid. Each student must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Dean's Scholarship Fund
The SPH Dean’s Scholarship Fund for Public Health invests in first generation students from historically underserved, or otherwise marginalized groups.
Free & Discounted Tuition Programs
We believe in expanding opportunity and creating a more equitable future for everyone who comes to PSU. Our free tuition and tuition discount programs allow you to achieve your goals, without having to worry about the cost of tuition.
Monetary Investment for Lactation Consultant Certification
Provides financial assistance to qualified candidates seeking International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC®) certification and current IBCLCs seeking recertification.
Oregon Washington Lactation Association IBLCE Exam Scholarships
OWLA is delighted to be offering one full scholarship each IBLCE exam cycle. The scholarship will cover the testing fee for one candidate sitting for the Lactation Consultant Board Exam in Spring and Fall of each year.
Jim Sells Childcare Subsidy
The Jim Sells Childcare Subsidy provides childcare assistance in the form of a subsidy to eligible student families to assist in paying the full cost of child care while attending Portland State University.
For qualified students
PSU Veteran's Services
Portland State University welcomes veterans, active service members and their families. We provide specialized support and services to help veteran students achieve their academic goals.
PSU Out of State Opportunity Scholarship
Portland State University awards the Out-of-State Opportunity Scholarship (OOS) to academically qualified incoming first years and transfer students.
PSU Financial Aid
We believe in expanding opportunity and creating a more equitable future for everyone who comes to PSU.
For qualified students
USLCA IBCLC Scholarships
USLCA’s IBCLC scholarship fund aids marginalized communities in their goal of becoming an IBCLC. As funds are available, USLCA will offer one breastfeeding education scholarship, twice a year. This program will be run 100% on donated funds.
Have Questions About Our Program?
Request Information
Contact or schedule an appointment with our lactation advisors if you have more questions or would like to receive more information about our program.
Begin PSU Application Process
Donate To The Lactation Fund
This is a great way to help prospective lactation consultants realize their goal of helping breastfeeding families in their community.
Select “Marilyn and Dick Whetsell Lactation Certification Fund” as your designated donation.
Donate Today