PSU Academic Calendar
View CalendarOHSU Academic Calendar
View CalendarAcademic Terms
The School of Public Health follows a quarter calendar, with fall, winter, spring, and summer terms available for registration. Each term is eleven weeks long, with ten weeks of instruction, plus finals week. During the summer, some courses may span a span a shorter number of weeks within the 11-week term.

Deadlines to add, drop, or withdraw from classes vary for students according to the institution through which they register.
Undergraduates, graduate students in the dual MPH/MSW and MPH/MURP programs, and graduate students who began their programs before Fall 2017, follow PSU deadlines.
Students in all other SPH programs follow OHSU deadlines.
Holiday closures vary at OHSU and PSU. Your class will follow the holiday closure calendar of its host institution. During the winter term, for instance, OHSU is closed on both President’s Day and Martin Luther King Day.
PSU is closed only on Martin Luther King Day, and remains open on President’s Day.

Other Schools and Colleges at OHSU and PSU
School of Public Health students sometimes take classes in other schools and colleges with different calendars at OHSU or PSU. If you are enrolled in a course outside the School of Public Health, be sure to check the course start and end dates carefully.