You must be adequately prepared to do the work you are proposing to do for your PE, by virtue of completed coursework or previous/current work experience. Please discuss this with your PE coordinator.
Orientation & Information Sessions
You must complete all 5 core MPH courses:
- BSTA 511: Intro / BSTA 525: Est. and Hypothesis Testing for Applied Biostatistics
- Epi 512: Epidemiology I
- ESHH 511: Concepts of Environmental Health
- HSMP 574: Health Systems Organization
- PHE 512: Principles of Health Behavior
Pre-recorded PE & IP Info Session
NOTE: MPH Biostatistics students are recommended to have a broad knowledge of various statistical data analysis methodologies and skill set to perform data analysis, summary results, interpretation of findings, and dissemination because their PEs are more data-analysis oriented. MPH Biostatistics students may be asked to start their PEs after completing a minimal level of biostatistics required courses (2 or 3 classes), and recommend courses, such as Linear Model, Categorical Data Analysis, Design and Analysis of Survey Data, and Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis.
Likewise, the PE opportunities MPH Epidemiology students tend to engage in are also very data management and analysis heavy. As such, it is recommended students have taken EPI 536: EpiData Analysis & Interpretation before registering for their PEs. Because EPI 536 is the fourth epidemiology methods course in the series (and builds on skills learned throughout EPI 512, 513, and 514 as well as BSTA 511, 512, and 513), it is also recommended that students have completed this course work before beginning their practice experience.
Below are the required steps for drafting the Practice Experience Learning Agreement, which must be approved by the end of the term prior to registration. The timeline below is recommended and can be flexible with permission. If you need to submit your Learning Agreement on a later timeline, email your PE Coordinator as soon as possible.
Week 1 - 3
Week 3 - 5
Week 5 - 6
Week 6 - 7
Week 7 - 10
Once your PE Coordinator approves your Learning Agreement, they will email the approved Learning Agreement to you, CC’ing Andrew Wyman. Andrew will then email you the self-registration link. Per OHSU policy, students must register themselves.
If you have not heard from Andrew regarding your PE Registration by finals week, please email Andrew Wyman.