After You Register – Process & Timeline
Registration for the PE requires the completion of a learning agreement and assurance that an affiliation agreement is in place. The online registration process cannot be used for the PE. Once the learning agreement has been signed and approved and an affiliation agreement is in place, your PE Coordinator will work with the PE Administrator to register you. Ideally, you should be registered for the PE three weeks before the term you plan to start. You will not be approved to register without the authorization and signature of the PE Coordinator.
Registration Quick Facts
To be eligible for the PE, you must have taken all 5 core MPH courses and must be adequately prepared to do the work, by virtue of coursework or previous/current work experience.
- You cannot register yourself for the PE; registration for the PE requires a completed and approved learning agreement.
- You should start the process at least 2 terms before the term you plan to start your PE. Work with your PE coordinator to make sure you understand the process.
- You may take the entire 4 credits of PE in a single term, or split the credits 2-and-2 across two contiguous terms. If you need to register for the PE over a configuration of terms that works better for you, talk with your PE Coordinator about registrations options.
- If your project involves research, you most likely may need review and approval by the Institutional Review Boards of OHSU or PSU. This takes time so plan accordingly and expect delays; you may need to shift your planned start dates. If you are planning a PE that involves research, talk with your PE Coordinator 2 terms before the term you plan to start your PE.
- If you plan to complete a PE outside the US, there are additional requirements for approval. Talk to your PE coordinator about the process and expected timelines
Activities & Deadlines Timeline – TWO TERMS
Practice Experience activities and deadlines during the term of PE completion when completing over TWO terms.
1st Quarter: Week 1
Students are expected to have started their Practice Experience opportunity by the week one of the first quarter of the program.
1st Quarter: Week 10
The deadline for the Midway Report is due by week 10 of the first quarter of the program. Students can download the Midway Report down below and are required to submit the report via Sakai.
2nd Quarter: Week 6-9
Make sure your portfolio is keeping up with the work, and that it addresses the competencies.
Students should start working on their presentations to be presented during finals week.
2nd Quarter: FINALS WEEK
For those who have finished their practice experience, they will be giving a 20-minute oral presentation on their experience.
Activates & Deadlines Timeline – ONE TERM
Practice Experience activities and deadlines during the term of PE completion when completing over ONE term.
Week 1
Students will need to start their Practice Experience opportunity by the first week of the term. If you have any questions contact your coordinator.
Week 5
The deadline for the Midway Report is due by week 5 of the term. Students can download the Midway Report down below and are required to submit the report via Sakai.
Week 6-9
Make sure your portfolio is keeping up with the work, and that it addresses the competencies.
PresentationStudents should start working on their presentations to be presented during finals week.
For those who have finished their practice experience, they will be giving a 20-minute oral presentation on their experience.
PE Activities & Deliverables Information
If you are completing the PE in two terms, the first term is assessed as P/NP and the second term is graded A-F. If you are completing the PE in one term, your PE is graded as A-F. Your final PE graded is based on the quality of the following deliverables.
What Is The Midway Progress Report?
You will complete one midway progress report during your PE. If you are registered for 1 term, this will be due in Week 5; if you are registered for 2 terms, this will be due at the end of the first term. Please use the Midway Progress Report template on the SPH PE website and submit via Sakai.
What Is The Portfolio?
All students are required to submit a portfolio as part of their PE. The portfolio is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to communicate your experience and attainment of CEPH foundational and program competencies. It is also an opportunity to showcase your PE and the work that you did. You will create your portfolio using Word or a similar word processing program. Please see the PE Portfolio Outline on the PE Syllabus for the information you must include in your PE portfolio. Once completed, you submit your PE Portfolio via the Sakai course page.
What Are The Practice Experience Presentations?
At the conclusion of your PE, you will deliver an oral presentation to share the highlights of your competency-based experience. You will have 20 minutes to describe the organizational setting, your role and responsibilities, work products, competency attainment, and public health significance, including recommendations for future actions. A ten-minute question and answer period will allow further exploration of the topic with the audience.
The oral presentation is not meant to be a complete retelling of the experience, but rather a focused demonstration of your accomplishments in attaining the competencies and understanding of public health practice.