Campus Maps
The School of Public Health’s classes, administrative offices, and student resources are located across OHSU’s Marquam Hill Campus, the South Waterfront Campus, and the Portland State University Campus.

OHSU Marquam Hill Campus

South Waterfront Campus

PSU Downtown Campus
Campus Safety
OHSU and PSU have Public Safety Offices dedicated to providing assistance in cases of emergency or when safety and security concerns arise. Both offices maintain central communications centers that are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students should enter emergency contact information for both Public Safety offices into their mobile phones, and should enroll for emergency alerts from both universities.
OHSU Department of Public Safety
Emergency on Campus: (503) 494-4444
Non-emergency: (503) 494-7744
OHSU Alert:
PSU Campus Public Safety Office
Campus Emergency: (503) 725-4404
Non-emergency: (503) 725-4407
PSU Alert:
Parking and Transportation
Parking at all campuses is limited. Students are strongly encouraged to use public transportation whenever possible; free intercampus transportation is available via
- Portland Streetcar (with OHSU or PSU ID)
- OHSU’s Marquam Hill Shuttle (with OHSU or PSU ID) – operations currently suspended
- OHSU Aerial Tram (with OHSU ID only)
Graduate students may purchase transit passes for Trimet buses, MAX trains, and the C-Tran system at a substantially reduced rate through OHSU’s Office of Transportation and Parking.
All SPH students are eligible for discounted transit passes through PSU.
Both OHSU and PSU have extensive resources to support commuting by bike, including free bike valet parking at the tram, bike racks and lockers on both campuses, bike sharing and repair services, and a cash incentive program through OHSU. Visit OHSU’s biking webpage and PSU’s Bike Hub for more information.
OHSU Transportation & Parking
Service Center Locations:
- Marquam Hill Physical Plant
3310 SW US Veterans Hospital Road - Rood Family Pavilion
3410 S. Bond Avenue; (503) 494-8283
Daily and hourly parking can be purchased at onsite pay stations or online via the OHSU Parking Portal. Additional parking information can be found here. Annual permits are by approval of compelling and/or emergent need only.
PSU Transportation & Parking
1812 SW 6th Avenue
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207; (503) 725-3442
Daily and hourly parking can be purchased at onsite pay stations or online via this website. Additional parking information, including term, residential, and overnight permits can be found online here.