OHSU roundtable: Public Health Approach to Reducing Gun Violence
Medical experts, law enforcement, people with lived experience adopt multipronged approach to reducing firearms injury, death. Oregon and the nation...Read More
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Proudly Announces Inaugural ARCS Foundation Oregon Scholar Lynette Piña
The OHSU-PSU School of Public Health (SPH), a beacon of excellence in public health education and research, is delighted to...Read More
Congratulations Sylvia Rivera on Receiving the 2023-24 APHA Kaiser Permanente Community Health Fellowship!
We are thrilled to announce that Sylvia Rivera, a recent alumna of the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Master’s in...Read More
Congratulations To Our 2023-24 APHA Kaiser Permanente Community Health Scholarship Recipients
We are thrilled to announce and celebrate the outstanding recipients of the 2023-24 APHA Kaiser Permanente Community Health Scholarship! OHSU-PSU...Read More
Dr. Marisa Westbrook Releases Midterm Qualitative Report on Denver’s Universal Basic Income Pilot Program
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty member Dr. Marisa Westbrook recently released a midterm qualitative report on Denver’s universal basic...Read More
Kathleen Carlson Receives Trunkey Center Research and Innovation Award
The Donald D. Trunkey Center for Civilian and Combat Casualty Care has announced the winner of their second annual Research...Read More
Treatment for opioid use disorder varies widely among states, study finds
OHSU researchers say Medicaid claims data reveal lost opportunities to save lives and reverse national opioid epidemic Despite a national...Read More
Memorial Fund Established to Support Tribal students in the OHSU-PSU SPH
In memory of Celeste Davis, a charitable fund has been established to advance the work and education of Tribal students...Read More
Documentary Exploring The Field of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
The OHSU Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness is developing a documentary exploring the field of Developmental...Read More
Spotlight On New Faculty Lecture Series – Dr. Marisa Westbrook
Structural Vulnerability: A Lens For Approaching Research On Housing Insecurity & Mental Health Thank you to everyone who joined us...Read More