Pigs, Tapeworms, and Epilepsy
For Ian Pray, those six weeks in Peru were more than a public health adventure. Ian’s “field experience” in Peru...Read More
Gender Approaches to Health
Jocelyn Wagman has thought a lot about how women and men approach health differently. Throughout her public health education, she...Read More
How moms’ stress affects babies
Jenna Ramaker has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and spent several years at OHSU doing post-graduate research on Alzheimer’s disease. The...Read More
Density, Poverty, and TB
Jadie Karratti-Abordo’s field experience showed her the realities of public health in some places in the world — in a...Read More
Checking on health policies
The first lesson Jwan Mohammadi learned from her “field experience” in the real world of public health was this: Some...Read More
Health question: What’s a pig worth?
What is a pig worth to a Peruvian farmer? And how might knowing that actually help prevent a horrible infectious...Read More