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Graduate Course Directory and Schedules

Summer 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 4.19.2024
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Fall 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 5.10.2024
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Winter 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 11.8.2024
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Spring 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 2.3.2025
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SPH Course Descriptions

Descriptions of all School of Public Health courses can also be found in the course catalog of the most recent edition of the PSU Bulletin.

ESHH 502IP – Integrative Project

Course CodeCredit


Course Information

The key culminating step for each MPH student is the Integrative Project (IP). Through the IP, a high-quality written product is produced, which we call the “IP paper.” Through the IP paper, students demonstrate their academic learning and public health practice skills through the synthesis of foundational and program competencies and application of those competencies to complex public health issues. The paper will take the form of a substantial written product such as a program evaluation, policy or economic analysis, grant proposal, health promotion or community engagement program plan, publishable manuscript, or other written product that demonstrates integration of three foundational (one must include Foundational Competency #6) and three program competencies. Appropriate types of written products vary by program, type of practice experience (if the two are integrated), and the student’s career goals. We recommend (but do not require) that the IP paper build upon work conducted in the Practice Experience. For example, students may write a high-quality written paper using the findings from a statistical analysis performed in support of a research project that is separate from their Practice Experience.

More Information About The Integrative Project

ESHH 509PE – Practice Experience

Course CodeCredit



Course Information

Students must attend a PE orientation (via prior to registering and are encouraged to attend a PE info session. Detailed information about the PE can be found on the Practice Experience SPH webpage.

PEs are a total of 4 credits and 160 “contact hours.” Students demonstrate 5 competencies via at least two deliverables, as well as submit a learning agreement (the term before PE registration), a midway progress report, a portfolio, and perform an oral presentation.

Biostats students register for BSTA 509PE. PHP students register for CPH 509PE. Epi students for EPI 504PE. ESHH students register for ESHH 509PE. HSMP students register for HSMP 509PE. HP students register for PHE 504PE.


Consent of PE Coordinator required.

ESHH 510 – Public Health & Portland Harbor Cleanup

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 510

ESHH 511 / 611 – Concepts of Environmental Health

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 511 / 611


Course Information

An intensive course designed to familiarize students with fundamentals of environmental health from a scientific and conceptual perspective. Topics are considered within multi-causal, ecological, adaptive systems, and risk-assessment frameworks. Includes consideration of biological, chemical, and physical agents in the environment, which influence public health and well-being. Recommended prerequisite: graduate standing.

Slash Listed Courses

Doctoral students register for the ESHH 611 section.

ESHH 511 / 611 – Concepts of Environmental Health Online

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 511 / 611

Course Information

An intensive course designed to familiarize students with fundamentals of environmental health from a scientific and conceptual perspective. Topics are considered within multi-causal, ecological, adaptive systems, and risk-assessment frameworks. Includes consideration of biological, chemical, and physical agents in the environment, which influence public health and well-being. Recommended prerequisite: graduate standing.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as ESHH 611.

ESHH 512 / 612 – Global & Planetary Health Concepts

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 512 / 612


Course Information

Provides an introduction to Global and Planetary Health. It will focus on the factors that make public health a priority at regional and global scales. It will also address the underlying processes that determine public health in a range of regional settings.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as ESHH 612 for doctoral students and may be taken only once for credit.

ESHH 519 – Environmental Health in a Changing World

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 519


Course Information

Human health is profoundly affected by the environment in many complex ways. This complexity is further compounded by global climate changes currently taking place. The impacts both now and in the future are likely to include: increased frequency of extreme weather (heat waves, flooding, drought); degraded air and water quality; the spread and/or re-emergence of vector-borne diseases; changes in food safety and food security; and population displacement or civil unrest. The severity of impacts and the affect on burden of disease depends on proactive public health policy and planning at local, national and global scales. This course will provide a basis for understanding why, how and when climate change becomes a public health concern and explore mitigation and adaptation strategies to improve human health and well-being in the future.

ESHH 521 – Principles of Occupational Health

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 521


Course Information

Occupational Health students will learn about the current Total Worker Health® approach to creating safe and healthful work environments. This perspective emphasizes the integration of traditional controls to protect workers from injury and occupational illness with protections and supports to advance well-being and health. Within this perspective the first priority is to identify workplace hazards and implement interventions to eliminate or control them. However, this expanded perspective also encourages workplace enhancements that foster worker health and well-being.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as ESHH 621.

ESHH 530 – Environmental and Occupational Health Chemistry

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 530


Course Information

This course provides an overview of chemical processes that are important in environmental and occupational health. Applications of core chemical concepts are developed through case-studies involving issues of major importance to public health. Examples include disinfection of drinking water, biologically-derived toxins, exposure to heavy metals, use of agricultural chemicals, chemical additives in household products, indoor air quality, etc. Some college level chemistry background is desirable, but there are no specific prerequisites.

ESHH 532 – Ecological Public Health

Course CodeCredit

ESHH 532


Course Information

The course provides an introduction to biological processes in environmental systems and the influence of human activities on these processes. Topics include ecology and evolution, population growth, natural resources, and environmental sustainability. In addition to fundamental knowledge in biology, students will demonstrate understanding of environmental inter-relationships and contemporary environmental issues.

Interprofessional Education Course Schedule

Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes. At least 1 credit of Interprofessional Education is required by all MPH degree programs.

Most courses with OHSU subject code IPE (Inter-Professional Education) or UNI (University Curriculum) satisfy the Interprofessional Education requirement. Other courses may also serve; consult your advisor.

For a list of IPE and UNI courses, descriptions, and their intended schedule download the spreadsheet. This list is subject to change, contact the course instructor if you would like to enroll.

Interprofessional Education