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Graduate Course Directory and Schedules

Summer 2024 Planning Schedule

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Fall 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 5.10.2024
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Winter 2025 Planning Schedule

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Spring 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 2.3.2025
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SPH Course Descriptions

Descriptions of all School of Public Health courses can also be found in the course catalog of the most recent edition of the PSU Bulletin.

PHE 510 – Science Fiction & Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 510


Course Information

Public health is a problem-solving, future-thinking field tasked with anticipating, preventing and responding to various types of crises, and the field engages with “what-if” scenarios and forecasting in many different ways, including epidemiological modeling, policy creation, and community organizing. As such, it is critical that public health professionals have many different tools to exercise what could be referred to as the “public health imagination,” particularly when facing complex, daunting, and novel crises such as many in the field’s recent history. Science fiction literature – including subgenres of speculative fiction, dystopic fiction, climate fiction, afro-futurism, etc. – very often depicts issues that are within the realm of public health, such as climate crisis, government collaboration, infectious disease spread, and transformations of social conditions under which health and disease are embodied. However, similar to other forms of art and media, science fiction is scarcely utilized or appreciated routinely by public health professionals despite its capacity to inspire, warn, educate, communicate, and contribute broadly to imagining different futures.
Science fiction can fertilize public health professionals’ imaginations in support of diverse forms of public health practice.

This course will explore what public health professionals can get out of deeper engagement with science fiction. Students will read science-fiction texts alongside transdisciplinary literature that help inform potential roles for science fiction and offer tools for public health interpretations. Throughout the course, students will contribute to building a collaborative, emergent understanding of the value of science fiction in a public health context.

PHE 511 – Foundations of Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 511


Course Information

Provides students with an understanding of the field of public health. It provides knowledge about public health principles, concepts, values, tools, and applications. Key topics in the class include the mission of public health, the politics of public health, determinants of health in the United States, major models and strategies for health promotion, and community perspectives on public health interventions.

PHE 512 / 612 – Principles of Health Behavior

Course CodeCredit

PHE 512 / 612


Course Information

Presents the biological, psychological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental factors that function in the promotion of health and prevention of disease. Theories developed to explain health and illness behaviors at intrapersonal, interpersonal, and group/community levels are introduced. Ethical issues involved in health-related behavior change are examined. Satisfies the core M.P.H. requirement. Expected preparation: graduate standing.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as PHE 612 for doctoral students.

PHE 512 / 612- Principles of Health Behavior Online

Course CodeCredit

PHE 512 / 612


Course Information

Presents the biological, psychological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental factors that function in the promotion of health and prevention of disease. Theories developed to explain health and illness behaviors at intrapersonal, interpersonal, and group/community levels are introduced. Ethical issues involved in health-related behavior change are examined. Satisfies the core M.P.H. requirement. Expected preparation: graduate standing.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as PHE 612 for doctoral students.

PHE 513 – Introduction to Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 513


Course Information

This survey course intended to provide graduate students with foundational knowledge of public health and will take a population science approach to public health practice.

PHE 517 – Community Organizing

Course CodeCredit

PHE 517


Course Information

Emphasizes the role of community organizing to engage diverse communities to advance the conditions in which people can be healthy. It further examines the role of health educators, grassroots activists, and others in stimulating social, political, and economic approaches to promote community health. Also addresses the advancement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of community organizing.

PHE 519 – Intro to the Etiology of Disease

Course CodeCredit

PHE 519


Course Information

The biological and molecular bases of public health: the immune system, genomics, environmental exposures. The evidence-based role of biology in ecological models of population health, its integration in disease prevention and control policies and programs. Effects of behavior on biology. Legal, social, ethical issues will be considered.

PHE 520 – Qualitative Research Design

Course CodeCredit

PHE 520


Course Information

Presents the philosophical and theoretical bases supporting the development of alternate research paradigms in human inquiry. Essential characteristics of three major alternate paradigms (interpretivist, constructivist, and critical theory) are introduced. Validity, reliability, and related concepts are examined from the perspective of each paradigm. Alternate strategies for inquiry are presented and ethical considerations related to qualitative forms of inquiry are addressed. Recommended prerequisite: graduate standing.

PHE 521 – Quantitative Research Design & Analysis

Course CodeCredit

PHE 521


Course Information

Introduction to quantitative research design and statistical analysis. Emphasis on development of a research proposal. Topics include descriptive research, experimental and quasi-experimental research, univariate statistical procedures, and methods for planning and writing a research report.


BSTA 525 – Intro to Biostatistics
Epi 512 – Epidemiology I

PHE 522 / 622 – Health & Social Inequalities

Course CodeCredit

PHE 522/622


Course Information

Introduction to historical and theoretical foundations for social epidemiology; investigates the conceptualization and measurement of different social determinants of health using a lifecourse approach; explores how the “embodiment” of social forces influence disease processes; and examines different actions (i.e., behavioral, clinical, social, legislative and political) used to eliminate health inequities within our local, national and international communities.

Slash Listed Courses

Doctoral students register for the PHE 622 section.

PHE 532 / 632 – Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) – Epidemiology

Course CodeCredit

PHE 532 / 632


Course Information

Covers the history of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) framework, the trends that drive and result from DOHaD processes. It will explain epigenetics and other mechanisms which through priming influence lifelong health.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as PHE 632 to doctoral students.

PHE 534 / 634 – Social Epidemiology Methods & Theory

Course CodeCredit

PHE 534 / 634


Course Information

Surveys social epidemiology practice including measurement, study design, analysis and translation for researching behavioral, social, economic, and cultural determinants of population distributions of health outcomes. The course emphasizes the application of social epidemiology methods tightly coupled to theory salient to community health practice & policy.


Epi 512 – Epidemiology I
BSTA 525 – Introduction to Biostatistics

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered as PHE 634 for doctoral students.

PHE 540 – Mass Communication For Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 540


Course Information

The ways population health is characterized in the mass media matter for our societal understanding of how health is produced, maintained, and put at risk. But, which mass media are we considering –and are we missing any in our assessments? And, when we say “health communication,” which strategies are we referring to? As public health communicators, we need to know how to assess this rapidly changing landscape so we may both deeply understand how “health” is being constructed for audiences, and so that we may more effectively enter debates and help broaden them. In this fast-paced graduate survey course, we will explore the many ways population health is characterized via mass media, both from within public health and without. We will look at what is required to more fully engage with broad audiences across media environments and understand the contexts in which messages are exchanged. And, we will assess the effectiveness of differing approaches for a range of goals.


PHE 512 – Health Behavior for Public Health or equivalent

PHE 541 – Media Advocacy & Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 541


Course Information

Provides students with an understanding of the role of media advocacy in advancing public health policies to promote health. The course uses lectures, group exercises, and case studies to illustrate basic concepts and skills related to media advocacy. Topics covered include: gaining access to the news, framing issues from a public health perspective, and the use of paid advertising to advance policy. Content areas include tobacco, violence, handguns, suicide, alcohol, and other public health issues.


PHE 512 – Principles of Health Behavior

PHE 546 – Urban & Community Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 546


Course Information

Examines the social factors associated with urban health and quality of life, such as social class, gender inequalities, and racism. Emphasis will be placed upon community development and collective responses to the maintenance of health rather than upon individualized health promotion and disease prevention strategies.

PHE 550 – Health Promotion Program Planning

Course CodeCredit

PHE 550


Course Information

Addresses practical applications of health promotion theories. Presents examples of planning, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion programs in a variety of settings as guides for the development of health promotion programs.

PHE 623 – Doctoral Seminar in Health Research

Course CodeCredit

PHE 623


Course Information

Research seminar required for first- and second-year doctoral students in the community health PhD program. Students learn about critical evaluation of health research, hypothesis generation, the publication and review process, grant application process, and development an independent research program.

Permission not required.

Philosophy through Power Calculations: Writing Methods Sections for Research Proposals – PHE 624

Course CodeCredit

PHE 624


Course Information

Approaches to community health research are explored, including the scientific method, ethics in research, theories, conceptual models and hypothesis generation, causal inference, the elements of research design, measurement (reliability, validity), developing data collection instruments, internal and external validity, and experimental methods.


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Interprofessional Education Course Schedule

Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes. At least 1 credit of Interprofessional Education is required by all MPH degree programs.

Most courses with OHSU subject code IPE (Inter-Professional Education) or UNI (University Curriculum) satisfy the Interprofessional Education requirement. Other courses may also serve; consult your advisor.

For a list of IPE and UNI courses, descriptions, and their intended schedule download the spreadsheet. This list is subject to change, contact the course instructor if you would like to enroll.

Interprofessional Education