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Graduate Course Directory and Schedules

Summer 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 4.19.2024
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Fall 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 5.10.2024
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Winter 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 11.8.2024
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Spring 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 2.3.2025
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SPH Course Descriptions

Descriptions of all School of Public Health courses can also be found in the course catalog of the most recent edition of the PSU Bulletin.

PHE 454 / 554 – Maternal & Child Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 454 / 554


Course Information

This course uses a discussion-based format to address maternal and child health as a public health issue. The course will emphasize the importance of the social, political, and economic contexts for maternal and child health. Ultimately, students in this course will be exposed to the major health issues facing mothers and children today and understand how politics and social norms affect maternal and child health.


Junior standing.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered for graduate-level credit as PHE 554 and may be taken only once for credit.

PHE 456 – Health Aspects of Aging

Course CodeCredit

PHE 456


Course Information

Examination of health-related changes that occur with aging. Review of current scientific literature with an investigation of physiological mechanisms responsible for changes in functional capacity throughout life. Explores the role of physical activity and nutrition in healthy aging.

Expected preparation:

PHE 295 or PHE 250
Bi 302

PHE 466 / 566 – Mind/Body Health: Disease Prevention

Course CodeCredit

PHE 466 / 566


Course Information

An investigation of the integral relationship between body and mind and how that relationship manifests itself in health, illness, and promotes healing. Philosophical and scientific foundations of mind/body health are explored. Mind/body research and its application within allopathic medicine is examined as is research and practice in complementary fields of medicine and health care. Expected preparation: Psy 204, PHE 363.

Slash Listed Courses

Also offered for graduate-level credit as PHE 566 and may be taken only once for credit.

PHE 472 – Marketing Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 472


Course Information

From behavior change to policy change, how do we make the healthy choice the easy choice? This course will explore the attitudes we bring to our public health work, and tools and strategies we can use to develop our effectiveness in improving health outcomes for individuals and society.


junior standing

PHE 473 – Physiology of Exercise

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473


Course Information

Examination of physiological responses and adaptations to exercise, with a focus on the interaction of metabolic, endocrine, neuromuscular, circulorespiratory, and environmental factors related to fitness and health.


Bi 301 and Bi 302 or equivalent.


PHE 473L

PHE 473L – Physiology of Exercise Lab – 1

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473L - 1

Course Information

Physiology exercise lab.

PHE 473L – Physiology of Exercise Lab – 2

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473L - 2

Course Information

Physiology exercise lab.

PHE 473L – Physiology of Exercise Lab – 3

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473L - 3

Course Information

Physiology exercise lab

PHE 474 – Exercise Prescription and Training

Course CodeCredit

PHE 474


Course Information

Focuses on the basic principles and skills needed for developing and implementing physical fitness programs. Emphasis includes: appropriate/ safe training procedures and the underlying principles which support such methods, applications to younger and older populations, gender differences, motivational strategies and health behavior theory, and exercise leadership skills. A significant portion of the course involves experiential learning.

Recommended prerequisites:

PHE 295 – Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
PHE 473 – Physiology of Exercise Lab

PHE 475 – Exercise Testing Techniques

Course CodeCredit

PHE 475


Course Information

Theory and application of assessment methods/tools used to evaluate physiological function relating to fitness and health, including laboratory and field tests. Significant emphasis on developing skills necessary for conducting tests on apparently healthy individuals. Assessment categories include anaerobic performance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, cardiovascular function.


PHE 473 – Physiology of Exercise, or consent of instructor.


PHE 475L – Exercise Testing Techniques Lab

PHE 475L – Exercise Testing Techniques Lab

Course CodeCredit

PHE 475L

Course Information

Exercise testing techniques lab.

PHE 478 – Program Plan Evaluation I – 1

Course CodeCredit

PHE 478 - 1


Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes needs assessment; program goals and objectives; interventions; program content and methodologies, measurement, and proposal writing. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the first course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.

PHE 478 – Program Planning and Evaluation 1 – 2

Course CodeCredit

PHE 478 - 2

Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes needs assessment; program goals and objectives; interventions; program content and methodologies, measurement, and proposal writing. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the first course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.

PHE 479 – Program Plan Evaluation II – 2

Course CodeCredit

PHE 479 - 2

Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes implementation strategies and evaluation approaches; resource allocation, budgeting, marketing, evaluation design, data analysis and reporting. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the second course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.


PHE 478 – Program Plan Evaluation I – 1

PHE 479 – Program Planning and Evaluation II – 1

Course CodeCredit

PHE 479 - 1


Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes implementation strategies and evaluation approaches; resource allocation, budgeting, marketing, evaluation design, data analysis and reporting. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the second course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.


PHE 478 – Program Plan Evaluation I – 1

Interprofessional Education Course Schedule

Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes. At least 1 credit of Interprofessional Education is required by all MPH degree programs.

Most courses with OHSU subject code IPE (Inter-Professional Education) or UNI (University Curriculum) satisfy the Interprofessional Education requirement. Other courses may also serve; consult your advisor.

For a list of IPE and UNI courses, descriptions, and their intended schedule download the spreadsheet. This list is subject to change, contact the course instructor if you would like to enroll.

Interprofessional Education