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SPH Course Descriptions
Descriptions of all School of Public Health courses can also be found in the course catalog of the most recent edition of the PSU Bulletin.
HSMP 571 / 671 – Health Policy
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 571/671 | 3 |
Course Information
Centers on an investigation of the public policy process as it affects the health care field. Specific health care policies and programs are used to explore the characteristics of the health care policy process and the factors involved in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of health care policies and programs. Recommended corequisite: HSMP 574.
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register for the HSMP 671 section.
HSMP 573 / 673 – Values & Ethics in Health
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 573/673 | 3 |
Course Information
This course addresses issues and questions regarding values and ethics in health, with particular attention to public health practice and health policy and management. It provides students with opportunities to consider issues in health and social services that challenge values and pose ethical issues, and assists students in addressing these issues in the context of both personal and organizational values and beliefs. Specific course content includes, but is not limited to, ethical issues such as reproductive issues, emerging diseases, product liability, pharmaceutical controls, advertising, occupational and environmental issues, and research dilemmas.
Completion of at least 30 credits of the graduate program
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register for the HSMP 673 section.
HSMP 574 / 674 – Health Systems Organization
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 574 / 674 | 3 |
Course Information
This course introduces basic concepts and issues in the organization, financing, and delivery of health services. The emphasis is on the systemic aspects of health services production and delivery which address the health needs of populations with respect to death, disease, disability, discomfort, and dissatisfaction. Students will examine the inter-relationships of system structures, subsystems, and processes, as well as their interactions with the larger social, cultural, economic and political environments in which they exist. The focus is on the United States, with international comparisons used to illustrate similarities and differences.
Slash Listed Courses
Also offered as HSMP 674 and may be taken only once for credit.
HSMP 575 / 675 – Advanced Health Policy
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 575 / 675 | 3 |
Course Information
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of local, regional, national and international health policies and policy issues with specific reference to the underlying dynamics of the policy process. Understanding the process and nature of policy choices will be emphasized – who, what, how and why of explicit and implicit decisions and choices that lead to the ultimate policy. Students will develop an understanding of how health policy can be successfully developed and sustainably implemented.
HSMP 571 – Health Policy
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register in the HSMP 675 section.
HSMP 577 / 677 – Health Care Law & Regulation
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 577/677 | 3 |
Course Information
Course intended to be an introduction to the American legal system and the laws that affect public health and health care. Initially, course focuses on public legal relationships between governments and individuals, and proceeds to review private legal relationships between individuals or organizations. Reviews the source of laws affecting health care, the basics of constitutional law, the right to privacy, state and federal regulation of health care, and negligence in health care. Wraps up with an introduction to cutting edge health care issues such as health care fraud and abuse compliance and medical record privacy.
HSMP 571 – Health Policy
HSMP 574 – Health Systems Organization
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register for the HSMP 677 section.
HSMP 581 / 681 – Population Health: Policy and Practice Implications
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 581 / 681 | 3 |
Course Information
Introduction to concepts of population health as they relate to policy and practice. In addition to exploring various meanings of the term “population health”, the course considers three primary drivers of population health: long-term demographic trends (e.g., population aging, immigration, fertility); social and economic policies (including health policy); and characteristics of the healthcare system. Special emphasis is placed on translating knowledge into effective policies and practice to address population health.
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register for the HSMP 681 section.
HSMP 583 / 683 – Economics of Health Systems and Policy
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 583 / 683 | 3 |
Course Information
Health policy has a fundamental transactional nature. Economics provides a broad theoretical framework that seeks to assess and understand transactional relationships. Thus, economics has particular value as a means to diagnose the transactional problems that underpin health system dynamics and provide frameworks for proposed solutions. This course applies economic theory to assess problems in health systems and propose solutions, as well as critique existing policy and develop sound policy alternatives.
Successful completion of HSMP 586 – Introduction to Health Economics, with an earned “B-” minimum passing grade
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register for HSMP 683.
HSMP 585 / 685 – Implementation Science in Health Systems
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 585 / 685 |
Course Information
Students are introduced to the practice of implementation science as a strategic means to improve implementation efforts and as a foundation for designing research to further that end. Common implementation science frameworks, models and strategies are introduced and assessed for their implications for action or measurement at the policy, system, organization and community level. This course is an elective for the Health Management and Policy (HMP) program.
Slash Listed Courses
Also offered for doctoral-level credit as HSMP 685 and may only be taken once for credit.
HSMP 586 / 686 – Introduction to Health Economics
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 586 / 686 | 3 |
Course Information
Focuses on defining and measuring the performance of the health care sector, defining and explaining microeconomic concepts, and evaluating various policy initiatives to improve efficiency, equity, and technological progress in health care. Specific topics include description of the health care industry, production of health, measurement of health care price changes, theory of demand for health care, theory of production and cost, measurement of inputs and outputs, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, and structure and functioning of markets. In addition, the role of government in a private economy in dealing with market failure is discussed, especially as it relates to the goal of assuring universal access to health care. Does not require any specific preparation in economics or mathematics, although graphical presentation of economic concepts is emphasized. Recommended corequisite: HSMP 574.
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register for the HSMP 686 section.
HSMP 589 / 689 – Research Design in Health Services
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 589 / 689 | 3 |
Course Information
Provides an introduction to traditional methods of designing and conducting health services research. It is intended that at the completion of the course students will understand multiple approaches to health services research, be able to be both participants in and consumers of the research process, and will be competent in conducting critical appraisals of the health services literature and in writing research proposals.
BSTA 525 – Intro to Biostatistics
Slash Listed Courses
Doctoral students register in the HSMP 689 section.
HSMP 603 – Dissertation
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 603 |
Course Information
Credits to be arranged. Permission not required.
HSMP 607 – Doctoral Seminar in Health Systems & Policy
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 607 | 1 - 9 |
Course Information
Doctoral seminar in health systems and policy. Permission not required.
HSMP 610 – Systems Thinking for Public Health
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP - 610 |
HSMP 642 – Organizational Theory and Health Systems
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 642 | 3 |
Course Information
Students in this course will develop an understanding of the organizational theory domain and enhance their ability to frame research within that domain in the context of health systems. The course emphasizes both substance and skill development, drawing on insights from the fields of economics, anthropology, political science and systems science to explore the structure and functions of organizations, the interaction of organizations and their environment, and the behavior of individuals within organizations. Understanding organizational theory, research, actions and outcomes is fundamental.
HSMP 660 – Contemporary Research in Health Systems & Policy
Course Code | Credit | |||
HSMP 660 | 3 |
Course Information
Doctoral seminar covering current topics in health systems and policy research providing doctoral students in the Health Systems and Policy Ph.D. program an opportunity to develop multi-disciplinary perspectives on current issues in their area of research.
Course intended for Ph.D. students only.
Interprofessional Education Course Schedule
Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes. At least 1 credit of Interprofessional Education is required by all MPH degree programs.
Most courses with OHSU subject code IPE (Inter-Professional Education) or UNI (University Curriculum) satisfy the Interprofessional Education requirement. Other courses may also serve; consult your advisor.
For a list of IPE and UNI courses, descriptions, and their intended schedule download the spreadsheet. This list is subject to change, contact the course instructor if you would like to enroll.
Interprofessional Education
HSMP 584 / 684 – Social Policy and Public Health
HSMP 584 / 684
Course Information
Examines how social policies influence health, with particular attention to health equity and disparities. Students will develop skills necessary to assess the empirical evidence for, and health implications of social policies in the areas of education, agriculture/nutrition, social welfare/income transfer, employment/labor, housing/built environment, transportation, civil rights, and other policy domains.
Slash Listed Courses
Also offered for graduate-level credit as HSMP 684 and may be taken only once for credit.