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Graduate Course Directory and Schedules

Summer 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 4.19.2024
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Fall 2024 Planning Schedule

Last updated 5.10.2024
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Winter 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 11.8.2024
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Spring 2025 Planning Schedule

Last updated 11.8.2024
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SPH Course Descriptions

Descriptions of all School of Public Health courses can also be found in the course catalog of the most recent edition of the PSU Bulletin.

PHE 354U – Social Gerontology

Course CodeCredit

PHE 354U


Course Information

Addresses the social and ethical issues, problems, policies, and programs that affect the quality of life for our rapidly aging population. The interdisciplinary field of gerontology offers students the opportunity to integrate biological, psychological, and social theories of aging. Also examines the economic and political impacts of an aging society.

PHE 361 – Care and Prevention of Injuries

Course CodeCredit

PHE 361


Course Information

Introduction to the prevention, recognition, care, and rehabilitation of injuries resulting from participation in activity. Practical skills are demonstrated and practiced with emphasis on student participation.

Recommended prerequisites

Bi 301
Bi 302

PHE 363 – Communicable-Chronic Diseases

Course CodeCredit

PHE 363


Course Information

Reviews etiology, epidemiology, and approaches to prevention of infectious and chronic diseases. Aspects of risk factors, transmission, pathogenesis, immunology, case management, and control programs are discussed. Basic human physiological processes are reviewed. Expected preparation: PHE 250.


PHE 250 – Our Community: Our Health

PHE 365 – Health Promotion Programs for Children and Youth

Course CodeCredit

PHE 365


Course Information

Provides an understanding of factors that influence health status and development of children and youth in the United States. Particular attention will be directed at health promotion programs for children, youth, and families in school and community settings. Includes a service component.

PHE 370 – Applied Kinesiology

Course CodeCredit

PHE 370


Course Information

Overview of anatomical and mechanical bases of human movement. Review of biomechanical principles with applications to exercise and health.


PHE 270 – Basic Biomechanics

PHE 404 – Cooperative Education/Internship

Course CodeCredit

PHE 404

1 - 12

Course Information

(Credit to be arranged.) A work related experience designed to connect and integrate theory with specific activities in a “real” environment under supervision. Field hours for students taking the internship will be 30 hours per credit per term. Additionally, students will be expected to attend scheduled seminars.

PHE 409 – Undergraduate Practicum

Course CodeCredit

PHE 409


PHE 409 -Practicum Lactation

Course CodeCredit

PHE 409


PHE 410 – Top: Lactation Ed 1 2-Term Ser

Course CodeCredit

PHE 410


PHE 410 / 510 – Aging and Social Justice

Course CodeCredit

PHE 410 / 510


PHE 410 / 510 – Top: Asian American Health Equity

Course CodeCredit

PHE 410 / 510


PHE 410 / 510 – TOP: Trauma/Toxic Stress-Pub Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 410 / 510


PHE 410 / 510 – Transgender Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 410 / 510


Course Information

This course surveys conceptual, cultural and historical foundations for understanding and advocating for the health of transgender and gender minority individuals and populations. The course moves through modules addressing (1) concepts and theories of gender and gender variance; (2) concepts and theories of individual health and of population health; (3) individual, social, and political determinants of transgender and gender minority health. The course aims to form clinical and research health professionals who are competent, informed, and inspired to work in the service of transgender health.

PHE 410 / 510: Risk and Crisis Communication for Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 410 / 510

PHE 415 – Native American Health: Decolonizing Health Equity

Course CodeCredit

PHE 415


Course Information

Provides an overview of socio-cultural determinants of health within a Native American context, and culturally responsive and community-centered solutions to achieve health equity with an emphasis on Native American experiences, wisdom, and healing.


Upper-division standing.

PHE 416 – Families and Aging

Course CodeCredit

PHE 416


Course Information

Family ties of middle aged and older adults are explored using a life course perspective. The diversity of family structure and experience is emphasized with attention to gender, race, class, and ethnicity. Life transitions are highlighted as are informal and formal services available to support older adults and their families.


junior standing.

PHE 417 – Adapted Physical Education

Course CodeCredit

PHE 417


Course Information

Designed to give students a background in how to effectively teach physical activity to individuals with disabilities. Additionally, this course is constructed to facilitate the student’s understanding of the specific characteristics of exceptional individuals in order to realize their limitations, and especially to maximize their potential.


Twelve hours of upper-division coursework in PHE.

PHE 418 – Lactation Education 1: Introduction to Human Lactation

Course CodeCredit

PHE 418


Course Information

The first in the lactation education series. Students will develop skills to assess and counsel families experiencing common breastfeeding challenges. Assessment tools and techniques will be introduced. Student will gain strategies for working with diverse adult learners and develop professional communication skills for the health care setting. This is the first course in a sequence of three: PHE 418, PHE 419, PHE 420 which must be taken in sequence.


Instructor approval

PHE 419 – Lactation Education 2: Advanced Lactation Care

Course CodeCredit

PHE 419


Course Information

The second in the lactation education series. Students will develop evaluation and support techniques to address complex maternal and infant breastfeeding challenges. Attention will be given to critically understanding and utilizing evidence-informed information to guide direct lactation support and communication with the health-care team. Students will deepen knowledge of use of referrals and resources to support the parent-baby dyad. This is the second course in a sequence of three: PHE 418, PHE 419, PHE 420 which must be taken in sequence.


PHE 418 – Lactation Education 1: Introduction to Human Lactation

PHE 421 – Health Coaching Strategies

Course CodeCredit

PHE 421


Course Information

Concepts and techniques for working with individuals and groups on improving all areas of wellness including fitness, nutrition, weight, stress, and management of life issues that affect health. Best practices for facilitating behavior change, including administering assessments, evaluating readiness for change, motivational interviewing and practice management. Students gain practical experience through live demonstrations and partner-coaching.


PHE 324 – Health Coaching Foundations

Interprofessional Education Course Schedule

Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes. At least 1 credit of Interprofessional Education is required by all MPH degree programs.

Most courses with OHSU subject code IPE (Inter-Professional Education) or UNI (University Curriculum) satisfy the Interprofessional Education requirement. Other courses may also serve; consult your advisor.

For a list of IPE and UNI courses, descriptions, and their intended schedule download the spreadsheet. This list is subject to change, contact the course instructor if you would like to enroll.

Interprofessional Education