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Graduate Course Directory and Schedules

Summer 2024 Planning Schedule

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Fall 2024 Planning Schedule

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Winter 2025 Planning Schedule

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Spring 2025 Planning Schedule

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SPH Course Descriptions

Descriptions of all School of Public Health courses can also be found in the course catalog of the most recent edition of the PSU Bulletin.

PHE 473 – Physiology of Exercise

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473


Course Information

Examination of physiological responses and adaptations to exercise, with a focus on the interaction of metabolic, endocrine, neuromuscular, circulorespiratory, and environmental factors related to fitness and health.


Bi 301 and Bi 302 or equivalent.


PHE 473L

PHE 473L – Physiology of Exercise Lab – 1

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473L - 1

Course Information

Physiology exercise lab.

PHE 473L – Physiology of Exercise Lab – 2

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473L - 2

Course Information

Physiology exercise lab.

PHE 473L – Physiology of Exercise Lab – 3

Course CodeCredit

PHE 473L - 3

Course Information

Physiology exercise lab

PHE 474 – Exercise Prescription and Training

Course CodeCredit

PHE 474


Course Information

Focuses on the basic principles and skills needed for developing and implementing physical fitness programs. Emphasis includes: appropriate/ safe training procedures and the underlying principles which support such methods, applications to younger and older populations, gender differences, motivational strategies and health behavior theory, and exercise leadership skills. A significant portion of the course involves experiential learning.

Recommended prerequisites:

PHE 295 – Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
PHE 473 – Physiology of Exercise Lab

PHE 475 – Exercise Testing Techniques

Course CodeCredit

PHE 475


Course Information

Theory and application of assessment methods/tools used to evaluate physiological function relating to fitness and health, including laboratory and field tests. Significant emphasis on developing skills necessary for conducting tests on apparently healthy individuals. Assessment categories include anaerobic performance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, cardiovascular function.


PHE 473 – Physiology of Exercise, or consent of instructor.


PHE 475L – Exercise Testing Techniques Lab

PHE 475L – Exercise Testing Techniques Lab

Course CodeCredit

PHE 475L

Course Information

Exercise testing techniques lab.

PHE 478 – Program Plan Evaluation I – 1

Course CodeCredit

PHE 478 - 1


Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes needs assessment; program goals and objectives; interventions; program content and methodologies, measurement, and proposal writing. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the first course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.

PHE 478 – Program Planning and Evaluation 1 – 2

Course CodeCredit

PHE 478 - 2

Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes needs assessment; program goals and objectives; interventions; program content and methodologies, measurement, and proposal writing. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the first course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.

PHE 479 – Program Plan Evaluation II – 2

Course CodeCredit

PHE 479 - 2

Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes implementation strategies and evaluation approaches; resource allocation, budgeting, marketing, evaluation design, data analysis and reporting. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the second course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.


PHE 478 – Program Plan Evaluation I – 1

PHE 479 – Program Planning and Evaluation II – 1

Course CodeCredit

PHE 479 - 1


Course Information

Examines program planning theories and models for health education. Includes implementation strategies and evaluation approaches; resource allocation, budgeting, marketing, evaluation design, data analysis and reporting. Students will gain practical experience in program planning through community-based learning. Field work required. This is the second course in a sequence of two: PHE 478 and PHE 479 and must be taken in sequence.


PHE 478 – Program Plan Evaluation I – 1

PHE 502IP – Integrative Project

Course CodeCredit



Course Information

The key culminating step for each MPH student is the Integrative Project (IP). Through the IP, a high-quality written product is produced, which we call the “IP paper.” Through the IP paper, students demonstrate their academic learning and public health practice skills through the synthesis of foundational and program competencies and application of those competencies to complex public health issues. The paper will take the form of a substantial written product such as a program evaluation, policy or economic analysis, grant proposal, health promotion or community engagement program plan, publishable manuscript, or other written product that demonstrates integration of three foundational (one must include Foundational Competency #6) and three program competencies. Appropriate types of written products vary by program, type of practice experience (if the two are integrated), and the student’s career goals. We recommend (but do not require) that the IP paper build upon work conducted in the Practice Experience. For example, students may write a high-quality written paper using the findings from a statistical analysis performed in support of a research project that is separate from their Practice Experience.

Learn more about the Integrative Project

PHE 502IP – Integrative Project For Dual Degree

Course CodeCredit



Course Information

The key culminating step for each MPH student is the Integrative Project (IP). Through the IP, a high-quality written product is produced, which we call the “IP paper.” Through the IP paper, students demonstrate their academic learning and public health practice skills through the synthesis of foundational and program competencies and application of those competencies to complex public health issues. The paper will take the form of a substantial written product such as a program evaluation, policy or economic analysis, grant proposal, health promotion or community engagement program plan, publishable manuscript, or other written product that demonstrates integration of three foundational (one must include Foundational Competency #6) and three program competencies. Appropriate types of written products vary by program, type of practice experience (if the two are integrated), and the student’s career goals. We recommend (but do not require) that the IP paper build upon work conducted in the Practice Experience. For example, students may write a high-quality written paper using the findings from a statistical analysis performed in support of a research project that is separate from their Practice Experience.

Learn more about the Integrative Project

PHE 504FE – Cooperative Education/Internship

Course CodeCredit


1 - 6

PHE 504PE – Practice Experience

Course CodeCredit



Course Information

Students must attend a PE orientation (via prior to registering and are encouraged to attend a PE info session. Detailed information about the PE can be found on the Practice Experience SPH webpage.

PEs are a total of 4 credits and 160 “contact hours.” Students demonstrate 5 competencies via at least two deliverables, as well as submit a learning agreement (the term before PE registration), a midway progress report, a portfolio, and perform an oral presentation.

Biostats students register for BSTA 509PE. PHP students register for CPH 509PE. Epi students for EPI 504PE. ESHH students register for ESHH 509PE. HSMP students register for HSMP 509PE. HP students register for PHE 504PE.


Consent of PE Coordinator required.

PHE 510 – Decolonizing Public Health Research

Course CodeCredit

PHE 510

Health Promotion & Community Health

PHE 510 – Etiology of Disease

Course CodeCredit

PHE 510

PHE 510 – Health Aspects of Aging

Course CodeCredit

PHE 456


Course Information

Examination of health-related changes that occur with aging. Review of current scientific literature with an investigation of physiological mechanisms responsible for changes in functional capacity throughout life. Explores the role of physical activity and nutrition in healthy aging.

Expected Preparation:

PHE 295 – Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
PHE 250 – Our Community: Our Health
Bi 302 – Human Anatomy and Physiology

PHE 510 – Risk and Crisis Communication for Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 510


Course Information

As current times repeatedly demonstrate, effective engagement and communication with broad populations is critical during times of public health risk and crisis. Whether events are sudden, probable, imminent, or ongoing; fast moving, or unfolding over the course of months and years, public health’s ability to convey what is known and recommended –often during times of high stress and uncertainty— requires preparation and adherence to core principles. In order to earn and maintain trust, as well as to effectively address misinformation, such preparation also requires understanding of the histories and contexts within which messages will be exchanged, and of the mass-mediated landscapes in which much communication occurs. In this active graduate course, we will evaluate and learn to work from current risk and crisis communication toolboxes, and will assess through case examples what has, and has not, been effective in contemporary situations.

Permission not required.

PHE 510 – Science Fiction & Public Health

Course CodeCredit

PHE 510


Course Information

Public health is a problem-solving, future-thinking field tasked with anticipating, preventing and responding to various types of crises, and the field engages with “what-if” scenarios and forecasting in many different ways, including epidemiological modeling, policy creation, and community organizing. As such, it is critical that public health professionals have many different tools to exercise what could be referred to as the “public health imagination,” particularly when facing complex, daunting, and novel crises such as many in the field’s recent history. Science fiction literature – including subgenres of speculative fiction, dystopic fiction, climate fiction, afro-futurism, etc. – very often depicts issues that are within the realm of public health, such as climate crisis, government collaboration, infectious disease spread, and transformations of social conditions under which health and disease are embodied. However, similar to other forms of art and media, science fiction is scarcely utilized or appreciated routinely by public health professionals despite its capacity to inspire, warn, educate, communicate, and contribute broadly to imagining different futures.
Science fiction can fertilize public health professionals’ imaginations in support of diverse forms of public health practice.

This course will explore what public health professionals can get out of deeper engagement with science fiction. Students will read science-fiction texts alongside transdisciplinary literature that help inform potential roles for science fiction and offer tools for public health interpretations. Throughout the course, students will contribute to building a collaborative, emergent understanding of the value of science fiction in a public health context.

Interprofessional Education Course Schedule

Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes. At least 1 credit of Interprofessional Education is required by all MPH degree programs.

Most courses with OHSU subject code IPE (Inter-Professional Education) or UNI (University Curriculum) satisfy the Interprofessional Education requirement. Other courses may also serve; consult your advisor.

For a list of IPE and UNI courses, descriptions, and their intended schedule download the spreadsheet. This list is subject to change, contact the course instructor if you would like to enroll.

Interprofessional Education