3 events found.
Community Mural Painting With Steven Paul Judd
Native American Student Center PSU Native American Student and Community Center, 710 SW Jackson St, Portland, OR 97201, PortlandThe Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at PSU (JSMA at PSU) in collaboration with the Maseeh College of Engineering and...
Quantitative Epidemiology Methods In Practice Seminar: Using Causal Inference To Understand Challenges of EHR Data
Vanport 515, with remote option 1810 SW 5th Avenue, PortlandUSING CAUSAL INFERENCE TO UNDERSTAND CHALLENGES OF EHR DATA Nicole G. Weiskopf, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Medical Informatics...
Virtual Drop-In Lactation Advising: May 2nd
Remote, via ZoomRemote via Zoom drop in Lactation Advising Join us for our virtual drop in lactation advising session on May 2nd,...