4 events found.
CDC Webinar: Health Equity in Emergency Preparedness and Response
VIRTUAL PortlandWhen preparing and responding to emergencies, it is crucial to embed health equity from the start to ensure that all...
AI For Quantitative Analysis: Tools, Insights, and Real-World Applications
Vanport 515, with remote option 1810 SW 5th Avenue, PortlandQUANTITATIVE EPIDEMIOLOGY METHODS IN PRACTICE SEMINAR SERIES Recent advances in AI have begun to reshape how many of us...
Relevance and Relationships: The Role of Family and Consumer Sciences in Improving the Nation’s Health
VIRTUAL PortlandPublic and Land-grant universities across the nation are rapidly growing their portfolio of work designed to address the complex array...
Building Your Mentorship Network
Vanport 268 1810 SW 5th Ave, PortlandThis Workshop is designed to help you identify your mentorship needs, explore different mentor archetypes, brainstorm strategies for finding the...