CPH Exam Info Session
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesThe SPH Student Success Center is hosting a virtual informational session about the CPH Exam for graduate students! April 5th...
OHSU Writing Lab: Graduate Student Writing Groups
RemoteOHSU Writing Lab is launching semi-monthly writing groups for graduate students! These sessions are opportunities for students to have...
Exploring Public Health: What Can I Do With a Public Health Degree?
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonFind your path in public health! Come learn about the range of careers within Public Health, resources for further exploration,...
SPH Student Success Center Grand Re-Opening!
Student Success Center - Vanport 6th Floor 1810 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR, United StatesJoin us for the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health's Grand Re-Opening of our Student Success Center! Hosted in the Vanport...
Teach-In For Palestine
Vanport 515, with remote option 1810 SW 5th Avenue, PortlandThe SPH Abolition In Public Health is hosting a Teach-in for Palestine, Wednesday April 10 from 12-1 pm in VPT...
How To: Search For Public Health Jobs
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonFind your path in public health! The Job Search Strategies workshop will introduce job-seekers to effective approaches and job search...
Drop-In Pre-Clinical Health Advising – Student Success Center
Student Success Center - Vanport 6th Floor 1810 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR, United StatesHSE Pathway in collaboration with the School of Public Health’s Student Success Center, will begin offering drop-in pre-clinical health advising!...
OHSU Java with Jacobs
Joseph R. Robertson Collaborative Life Sciences Building 2730 South Moody Avenue, Portland, OR, United StatesNeed a coffee break? Join OHSU’s President for Java with Jacobs Enjoy complimentary coffee, lunch and the opportunity to connect...
Antiracism Initiatives in Public Health: Highlighting Student Experiences and Practices
Vanport 620M Portland, OR, United StatesPlease join us this Thursday, April 18th at 12:00 pm in 620M, to hear from current students and alum about...
In-Person Drop In Lactation Advising
Vanport 620B 1810 SW 5th Ave, Portland, United StatesIn person drop in Lactation Advising at the PSU Vanport building Take the elevator to the 6th floor and go...
BREATHEr Meeting
Vanport 620M Portland, OR, United StatesBIPOC Resilience, Empowerment. &Affirmations Towards Health Equity (BREATHE) A student group created to support and provide space for OHSU-PSU School...
How To: Write A Resume & Cover Letter For Public Health Jobs
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonFind your path in public health! Get the latest information on how to effectively write and format job search documents,...
Public Health Career Panel: What I Wish I’d Known
Vanport 515 1850 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR, United StatesWhat I Wish I'd Known Please join The School of Public Health’s Student Success Center for dinner and a...
April Student Leadership Council Meeting
Vanport 620M Portland, OR, United StatesWe would like to invite you to join our next meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday, April 24th at Vanport...
OHSU Epigenetics Symposium 2024
Knight Cancer Research Building 2720 S Moody Ave, Portland, United StatesThe KCVI Epigenetics Consortium is pleased to offer the first OHSU Epigenetics Symposium on April 25th, 2024. We are excited...
3-Part Workshop Series: OCTRI Research Forum
RemoteDoing Better Research: Improving Practice through Intersectionality, Positionality, and Reflexivity In this three-part interactive workshop series, we will introduce participants...
Virtual Drop In Lactation Advising
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesJoin us for our virtual drop in lactation advising session on April 29th, from 12-1pm via Zoom. Zoom Link: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/261895860
How To: Create a Quality LinkedIn Profile
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonFind your path in public health! Join us for a discussion on LinkedIn. Come learn why and how to utilize...
Community Mural Painting With Steven Paul Judd
Native American Student Center PSU Native American Student and Community Center, 710 SW Jackson St, Portland, OR 97201, Portland, OR, United StatesThe Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at PSU (JSMA at PSU) in collaboration with the Maseeh College of Engineering and...
PSU Spring Career & Internship Fair
Viking Pavillion 930 SW Hall St, Portland, United StatesThe Spring Career & Internship Fair is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with employers across various industries. At...
Blending Cultures, Bridging Disciplines: Steven Paul Judd Explores Creativity at the Intersection of Art & Engineering
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonJoin us for a talk and reception featuring Steven Paul Judd, acclaimed Native American (Kiowa-Choctaw) artist, filmmaker, and designer. Come...
PIAAA Palooza at PSU Park Blocks
PSU Park Blocks 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, United StatesPSU's School of Business and ATMOS program invites all SPH students to their first PIAAA Palooza at PSU's Park Blocks...
Community Mural Painting With Steven Paul Judd
Native American Student Center PSU Native American Student and Community Center, 710 SW Jackson St, Portland, OR 97201, Portland, OR, United StatesThe Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at PSU (JSMA at PSU) in collaboration with the Maseeh College of Engineering and...
Quantitative Epidemiology Methods In Practice Seminar: Using Causal Inference To Understand Challenges of EHR Data
Vanport 515, with remote option 1810 SW 5th Avenue, PortlandUSING CAUSAL INFERENCE TO UNDERSTAND CHALLENGES OF EHR DATA Nicole G. Weiskopf, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Medical Informatics...
Virtual Drop-In Lactation Advising: May 2nd
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesRemote via Zoom drop in Lactation Advising Join us for our virtual drop in lactation advising session on May 2nd,...
3-Part Workshop Series: OCTRI Research Forum
RemoteDoing Better Research: Improving Practice through Intersectionality, Positionality, and Reflexivity In this three-part interactive workshop series, we will introduce participants...
Queer & Trans Student of Color Conference
Portland State University - Smith Memorial Student Union 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United StatesThe PSU Queer Resource Center is hosting a Queer & Trans Students of Color Conference on Saturday, May 4th, 2024...
How To: Prepare For An Interview
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonFind your path in public health! Come learn strategies to develop and improve your interviewing skills. We will discuss how...
Dreaming Disability Justice in a Time of Genocide, Organizing and Hope
Portland State University - Smith Memorial Student Union 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United StatesJoin the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies for our annual Walk of the Heroines lecture and spring "Build...
BIPOC Relationship Building Workshop Session 1
Vanport 515, with remote option 1810 SW 5th Avenue, PortlandPlease join us for our BIPOC Relationship Building Workshop series! Our goal is to provide BIPOC students the opportunity...
IBCLCs in the Pediatric/OB Clinic Setting
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesWhat is special about serving families in a clinical office setting? Considerations for the lactation consultant. May 9th, 2024 at...
Who Belongs in College? Part I
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesWho Belongs in College? A U.S. History of Dis/Ability, Access, & Advocacy: Part I Who belongs in college? Who doesn’t?...
BREATHEr Meeting
Vanport 620A 1810 SW 5th Ave, Portland, United StatesBIPOC Resilience, Empowerment. &Affirmations Towards Health Equity (BREATHE) A student group created to support and provide space for OHSU-PSU School...
Empowering Leaders of Color in Business
Kar Miller Center 615 SW Harrison St, Portland, United StatesIs Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dead? In a rapidly changing political and business landscape, this in-person event explores innovative strategies...
3-Part Workshop Series: OCTRI Research Forum
RemoteDoing Better Research: Improving Practice through Intersectionality, Positionality, and Reflexivity In this three-part interactive workshop series, we will introduce participants...
2024 OHSU All-Hill Spring Social
Punch Bowl Social 340 SW Morrison St. Suite 4305, Portland, OR, United StatesThe OHSU All-Hill Student Council is excited to officially announce our spring event, the All-Hill Spring Social at Punch Bowl...
PSU Career Center Workshop: LinkedIn 101
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesCome learn the basics of LinkedIn, how to connect to professionals and organizations in your chosen field and how to...
Resumes and Cover Letters Virtual Workshop
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesGet the latest information on how to effectively write and format job search documents, such as what information to include,...
OHSU Writing Lab: Graduate Student Writing Groups
RemoteOHSU Writing Lab is launching semi-monthly writing groups for graduate students! These sessions are opportunities for students to have...
Internship Goals & Strategies
PSU Engineering Building 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OregonFind your path in public health! This discussion-based workshop covers topics such as the benefits of doing an internship, search...
Who Belongs in College? Part 2
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesWho belongs in college? Who doesn’t? Where do these beliefs come from? In Part II of this three-part participatory workshop,...
Intersection Between Identity and Data
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesData disaggregation helps us understand more about our diverse communities, uncovering populations often hidden in data and revealing racial and...
In-Person Drop-In Lactation Advising: May 16th
Vanport 620B 1810 SW 5th Ave, Portland, United StatesIn person drop in Lactation Advising at the PSU Vanport building Take the elevator to the 6th floor and go...
BREATHEr Meeting
Vanport 620M Portland, OR, United StatesBIPOC Resilience, Empowerment. &Affirmations Towards Health Equity (BREATHE) A student group created to support and provide space for OHSU-PSU School...
PSU Career Services: Job Search Party!
Fariborz Maseeh Hall Fariborz Maseeh Hall, 1855 SW Broadway, Portland, United StatesYou don’t have to go it alone: Whether you're refining your resume or need guidance on your job search, our...
OHSU-PSU SPH BIPOC In Stem Mixer – Karaoke Night
Voicebox SouthEast 734 SE 6th Ave, Portland, United StatesJoin our OHSU-PSU School of Public Health BIPOC in STEM Karaoke Night at VoiceBox from 5:30-8:30 pm on Friday, May...
PSU Career Services: Introduction to Interviewing Virtual Workshop
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesLearn the basics of interviewing and strategies to develop and improve your interview skills. We will discuss how to prepare...
A Photovoice Project: Memory and Place in Black Portland
Broadway Residence Hall 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, United StatesBlack Studies students at Oregon State Penitentiary explored Portland’s history of Black placemaking through academic works, photography, creative non-fiction narratives,...