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Faculty Directory

Julia Goodman¹

Photo of Julia Goodman¹
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator of PhD Healthy Systems & Policy Health Management & Policy, Health Systems & Policy
Office 1805 SW 4th Ave 523R Portland OR 97201 Phone: (503) 725-2225


Dr. Goodman is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Health and Program Coordinator for the HS&P PhD program. Her primary teaching and mentoring responsibilities are in the MPH:HMP and Health Systems and Policy PhD programs. Before coming to PSU in 2015, she completed her PhD in Health Policy and MPH in Maternal and Child Health, both at UC Berkeley. Her undergraduate degree is from McGill University in Montreal.

Dr. Goodman’s research examines inequities attributed to work-related social determinants of health among pregnant people. Through her interdisciplinary research, she explores how work-related policies, such as paid family leave, impact health and health equity, as well as potential spillover into the broader workplace. She draws on multiple methods to conduct timely, policy-relevant research that informs ongoing policy discussions.

Dr. Goodman currently leads a study as part of a RWJF-funded research hub on Work-Family Support and Health that examines knowledge and awareness of paid family and medical leave policies among Latinas. She is a co-investigator on a study of employers in the San Francisco Bay Area that explores their perceptions of a range of paid leave policies, focusing on changes employers experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During AY22-23, Dr. Goodman was a Fulbright-García Robles Scholar in Mexico City, Mexico. In collaboration with colleagues at Universidad Iberoamericana, she led a study of work-related policies to support breastfeeding among women employed in Mexico’s informal sector. Prior to that, she was a Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) K12 scholar. Her project focused on understanding how work-related barriers to care among low-income pregnant people can be identified and addressed through the health system. This resulted in a systematic review of screening practices in prenatal care for employment-related social risks among pregnant people and a qualitative study about the role healthcare providers play in helping pregnant people navigate work-related challenges.

Education, Degrees

B.S., McGill University, 2004
M.P.H., University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2015

Awards and Honors

2015, Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, UC Berkeley

¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty

Experienced Faculty With Diverse Backgrounds

More than 150 faculty members work within the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. They have a wide range of expertise, from monitoring and assessing health risks and opportunities in populations, to helping build health-supporting social environments through policy, advocacy, and programs. They are educators, advisors, researchers, practitioners and community leaders. They come from backgrounds in quantitative, behavioral, environmental and social sciences, policy and government, exercise and health sciences and anthropology, among many other areas. They all work in collaboration with each other and with community partners, and are especially focused on the training and education of future leaders and practitioners in the public health fields.

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