Kathleen Carlson¹
Kathleen F. Carlson is a professor at the School of Public Health, and a core investigator with the Health Services Research Center of Excellence at the VA Portland Health Care System.
Her research examines the spectrum of injury prevention and control, from the epidemiology of intentional and unintentional injuries to the rehabilitation of patient populations with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Her current efforts focus on opioid and other medication-related injuries, firearm-related injuries, short- and long-term outcomes among combat veterans with TBI, and epidemiology of, and health services for, auditory injury among active duty and separated military service members. Carlson co-directs the VA health services research post-doctoral fellowship program at the Portland VA and teaches and advises M.P.H. and Ph.D. students in epidemiology at the School of Public Health.
Education, Degrees
B.S., Biology, Oregon State University, 1999
M.S., Environmental Health/Epidemiology, University of Minnesota, 2003
Ph.D., Environmental Health/Epidemiology, University of Minnesota, 2006
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Health Services Research, Minneapolis VA Health Care System, 2008
Awards and Honors
- 2019, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Award for Faculty of the Year
- 2016, OHSU Faculty Senate Award for Excellence
- 2015, OHSU PHPM Chair’s Award for Excellence in Research
- 2013, APHA ICEHS Special Services Award
- 2011, Inductee, Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health
- 2011, Graduate Women in Science Recognition of Service Award
- I01 CX001135 (Carlson, Kathleen F) Sept 30, 2016 – Sept 29, 2018; DoD CDMRP/DVA CSR&D; Longitudinal Effects of Mild TBI and Other Military Exposures on Auditory Functioning in Recently-Discharged Veterans and Active Duty Service Members – CENC Study 1; Role: Principal Investigator
- 1R21MH112201 (Carlson, Kathleen F) Aug 1, 2016 – Sept 30, 2018; NIH/NIMH; Interagency Data Base Linkage: Precursors of Firearm Injuries and Suicide ; Role: Principal Investigator
- I21 RX002216-01 (Carlson, Kathleen F) July 1, 2016 – Jun 30, 2018; DVA/RR&D; Chronic Tinnitus among Veterans with and without TBI: Service Needs and Interests; Role: Principal Investigator
- I01 HX001891 (Carlson, Kathleen) Mar 1, 2016 – Feb 28, 2019; DVA/HSR&D; Use of a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to Evaluate Concurrent VA and non-VA Opioid Prescriptions; Role: Principal Investigator
- JW160036 (Henry, James A) Mar 15, 2017 – Mar 15, 2021; DoD/JWMRP; Effects of Military Noise Exposure on Auditory Function in Service Members and Recently Discharged Veterans; Role: Co-Investigator
- BAA11097008 (Hammer, Leslie) Feb 1, 2013 – Jan 31, 2018; DoD/USAMRMC; Development and Evaluation of Veteran Supportive Supervisor Training (VSST): Reintegration of the Oregon National Guard and Reserves into the Workplace; Role: Co-Investigator
¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty
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