The SPH Deans Scholarship Fund for Public Health invests in first generation students from historically underserved, or otherwise marginalized groups.
David Bangsberg, founding dean of the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, would meet with students almost everyday. These students typically did not have college-educated parents. They put themselves through college while also holding a full-time job. Some know what it’s like to be homeless – and some still are, even while pursuing a degree. He has met students facing these and other challenges with undiminished resolve to improve not only their and their families’ lives but also the lives of people facing similar barriers.
Because of this, Dean Bangsberg and his wife Lynn established the Deans Scholarship Fund with a pledge of $100,000 to support a promising and diverse student body pursuing a career in health.

How Scholarships Impact The Community
A scholarship can provide a vital entry point and pathway to education and career opportunities.
To enrich the health care workforce with people who possess a deep understanding of their community, we need to invest in underserved and historically marginalized students. We are committed to overcoming the barriers to recruiting a diverse student body, many of whom will be the first in their family to attend college. The main barrier is tuition and post graduation debt.
Who Can Apply?
- First generation students; no parent has earned a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Newly admitted or returning undergraduate students for upcoming Academic Year.
- Students who applied for or were admitted to an undergraduate program for upcoming Academic Year Students awaiting a decision about acceptance to the undergraduate program may also apply.
- Minimum GPA of 2.5
- Full-time student
- US citizen, Permanent Resident, or US non-citizen national
Awardees will receive a scholarship of $5,000 annually for up to a total of $20,000 during their study.
Graduate Students
Pursuing a Masters
- First generation students; no parent has earned a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Newly admitted or returning graduate students for upcoming Academic Year.
- Students who applied for upcoming Academic Year admission to a graduate program. Students awaiting a decision about acceptance to the graduate program may also apply.
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Enrolled or planning to enroll for a minimum of 6 credits per term (Fall/Winter/Spring)
- US citizen, Permanent Resident, or US non-citizen national
Awardees will receive a scholarship of $10,000 annually for a total of up to $20,000 during their study.
Graduate Students
Pursing a PhD
- First generation students; no parent has earned a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Newly admitted or returning PhD student for upcoming Academic Year.
- Students who applied for upcoming Academic Year admission to a PhD program.
- Students awaiting a decision about acceptance to the PhD program may also apply.
- Enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits per term (Fall/Winter/Spring).
- US citizen, Permanent Resident, or US non-citizen national
Awardees will receive a scholarship of $15,000 annually renewal for a total of up for three years.
How to Apply
Please contact the School of Public Health for more information regarding deadlines and the online application process. – Contact School of Public Health
There are two different application processes for Undergraduate and Graduate students when applying to the SPH Deans Scholarship Fund.