The OHSU Gun Violence Prevention Research Center is sharing research findings on firearm injury and death, along with promising solutions. For more information on individual research projects, go to our Research Projects.
In Collaboration with the
Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Portland VA Health Care System
Veterans Firearm Injury Prevention Projects
Peer Reviewed Publications
Veterans Firearm Injury
Lafferty M, O’Neill AM, Cerra N, Maxim L, Mulcahy A, Wyse JJ, Carlson KF. Let’s Talk About Firearms: Perspectives of Older Veterans and VA Clinicians on Universal and Dementia-Specific Firearm Safety Discussions. Clinical Gerontologist; 4 Sept 2023. Epub ahead of print.
Carlson KF, Gilbert TA, Maxim L, Hooker ER, Shull S, DeBeer B, DeFrancesco S, Denneson L. Associations between Nonfatal Firearm Injuries and Risk of Subsequent Suicide among Veteran VA Users: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Academic Emergency Medicine; 30(4): 278-288, 2023.
Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO)
Rakshe S, Valek R, Teichman R, Freeman K, DeFrancesco S, Carlson KF. Five Years of Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Oregon: A Descriptive Analysis. Psychological Reports; In Press.
Lake MG, Baker-Robinson W, Harris JR, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Carlson KF, Bezruchka S. Interpersonal Firearm Injury and Death in Portland, Oregon: 2018 through 2021. Journal of Community Health; 48(3): 450-457, 2023.
Carlson KF, Gilbert TA, DeFrancesco S, Wright DA, Shen X, Cook LJ. Accuracy of Behavioral Health Variables in Oregon National Violent Death Reporting System Data: A Linked Cohort Study. Injury Epidemiology; 9(29), 2022. ~Paper awarded the 2022 Jess Kraus Best Paper Award.
Gun Violence Prevention Research Center
Gun Violence Prevention Research Activities
Research Center Educational Activities
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