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National Alliance to End Homelessness Announces Second Round of Research Grant Awardees

Dr. Marissa Westbrook and Dr. Kathleen Conte

Dr. Marisa Westbrook and Dr. Kathleen Conte Receive Grant From The National Alliance to End Homelessness

Dr. Marisa Westbrook, Dr. Kathleen Conte, along with colleagues from the  PSU Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning and the PSU Homelessness Research & Action Collaboration, received a grant from the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), to partner with the Portland/Multnomah County Continuum of Care to focus on the needs of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color communities. The project will identify core components of culturally-specific permanent supportive housing (PSH) programs, defined as organizations where the leadership, staff, organizational environment, and clients come from a specific cultural community. Qualitative and quantitative information will be collected and analyzed to understand how people of color are most effectively supported in PSH, both by culturally-specific providers and in other settings.

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