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Dr. Ryan Petteway appeared on the PDXPLORER podcast to discuss, “The People’s Social Epi Project.”

Dr. Ryan Petteway Associate Professor at the Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health

Dr. Ryan Petteway Featured In PDXPLORES Podcast

In this episode of PDXPLORES, Ryan J. Petteway, Associate Professor at the Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health, discusses the research behind The People’s Social Epi Project: PDX. Providing a counterpart to the settler-colonial and racial capitalist practices of traditional epidemiological research on health inequities, Petteway’s PSEP: PDX initiative is a portfolio of three projects centering around youth-led participatory research, music, and poetry. PSEP: PDX seeks to “center the margins” to advance health and epistemic justice.

To listen to the podcast, visit the PDXPLORES website.