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Community-engaged research and environmental justice align

Flyer for book Ground Truths Community Engaged Research for Environmental Justice

Dr. Ryan Petteway Publishes Chapters in New Book, Ground Truths: Community-Engaged Research For Environmental Justice

Dr. Ryan Petteway published two chapters in the new book, Ground Truths: Community-Engaged Research for Environmental Justice, which is now available open access (for free) from University of California Press – Luminos.

The book shows how community-engaged research makes unique contributions to environmental justice by centering local knowledge, building truth from the ground up, producing actionable data that can influence decisions, and transforming researchers’ relationships to communities for equity and mutual benefit. It offers a critical synthesis of this kind of research in many fields, outlines the main steps in conducting it, evaluates the major research methods used, suggests new directions, and addresses overcoming institutional barriers to this work in academia. Ground Truths employs an original framework that shows how community-engaged research and environmental justice align, which links research on the many topics treated in the chapters—from public health, urban planning, and conservation to law and policy, community economic development, and food justice and sovereignty

The book launch includes a webinar series in which some of the coauthors will present their chapters. You can register for the webinars now!

Register For Webinar

Flyer for Ground Truths online webinar with Dr. Ryan Petteway