OCTRI Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) and Informatics Programs
Introduction to the Data Equity Framework
Remote, via Zoom , United StatesIn this lecture, Dr. Lapidus will introduce frameworks and resources for data equity and each phase of the We All...
Power and Sample Size 101 – BERD Seminar
RemoteHosted by Meike Niederhausen, Ph.D. - Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design (BERD) Seminar Are you grappling with power and...
3-Part Workshop Series: OCTRI Research Forum
RemoteDoing Better Research: Improving Practice through Intersectionality, Positionality, and Reflexivity In this three-part interactive workshop series, we will introduce participants...
3-Part Workshop Series: OCTRI Research Forum
RemoteDoing Better Research: Improving Practice through Intersectionality, Positionality, and Reflexivity In this three-part interactive workshop series, we will introduce participants...
3-Part Workshop Series: OCTRI Research Forum
RemoteDoing Better Research: Improving Practice through Intersectionality, Positionality, and Reflexivity In this three-part interactive workshop series, we will introduce participants...
Power and Sample Size 101 – BERD Program
VIRTUAL Portland, OR, United StatesPresented by Alicia Johnson, M.P.H. Are you grappling with power and sample size (PSS) calculations for a grant or looking...
Getting Started in R and RStudio
Robertson LIfe Sciences Building 2730 S. Moody Avenue, Portland, United StatesOCTRI Research Forum Presented by Jessica Minnier, Ph.D. and Meike Niederhausen, Ph.D. In this two-part interactive workshop, we will introduce...
Getting Started in R and RStudio
Robertson LIfe Sciences Building 2730 S. Moody Avenue, Portland, United StatesOCTRI Research Forum Presented by Jessica Minnier, Ph.D. and Meike Niederhausen, Ph.D. In this two-part interactive workshop, we will introduce...
Power and Sample Size Simulations in R
VIRTUAL Portland, OR, United StatesBiostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Program - Robin Baudier, M.S.P.H. M.F.A. If you're struggling to find a power...
Power and Sample Size 101
VIRTUAL Portland, OR, United StatesBiostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Program Presented by Alicia Johnson, M.P.H. Are you grappling with power and sample size...
OCTRI-BERD Research Forum: Journal Club Seminar – Conducting Equity-Centered Research
VIRTUAL Portland, OR, United StatesConsiderations for conducting meaningful, ethical research that serves marginalized communities: A Discussion will be held virtually on Monday, February 10,...