The Academic Personnel Committee (APC) consists of twelve voting faculty members representing academic areas of focus, degree levels, appointment categories, and both institutions.
The APC undertakes the following responsibilities in compliance with applicable institutional policies related to academic personnel:
Maintain policies, procedures, and criteria for assignment of rank, promotion, tenure, post tenure review, post continuous appointment, and annual review of all faculty.
Serve annually on PSU and OHSU committees for selected faculty reviews (third year tenure-related review at PSU, promotion at both OHSU and PSU, PSU NTTF review, emeritus/emerita at OHSU and PSU, PSU Post-Tenure Review).
Review and make recommendations to the Dean for nonpaid faculty appointments.
Recommend to the Voting Faculty the membership of all SPH standing committees based on an annual survey conducted each spring by the AD/AFA’s office, as described in VI.1.A.