Alexis Dinno¹
Alexis Dinno is an associate professor of Community Health at the School of Public Health. She teaches graduate courses in epidemiology, social epidemiology, environmental health and biostatistics, among others. Her broad areas of interest include social epidemiology, social ecology and quantitative modeling.
Dinno’s doctoral dissertation research unpacked relationships between urban residential property abandonment and elderly experiences of depression in New Haven, Conn., using both multilevel modeling techniques and loop analyses of causal feedback. Before coming to PSU, Dinno was an adjunct professor at California State University East Bay, where she taught epidemiology to graduate and undergraduate students and developed new methods in applied multivariate statistics.
In addition to her work in community health, Dinno is an avid practitioner of Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.
Education, Degrees
B.A., University of California at Berkeley, 1996
M.P.H., Yale School of Public Health, 2000
M.E.M., Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 2000
Sc.D., Harvard School of Public Health
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Evaluating media messaging on childhood obesity to inform advocacy on a Culture of Health (Collaborator—statistician; Project Directors Lawrence Wallack and Liana Winett). Award: $309,090. Awarded (Summer 2014)
- Kaiser Permanente, Northwest Region Community Partnership Support. Dignity Village/Right 2 Dream Too Respiratory Health Study. (PI; Peter Geissert Co-Investigator). Award: $1,830. Awarded (Summer 2014)
- United States Forest Service: Grant. Healthy Trees, Healthy People (Co-PI, with Vivek Shandas, Linda George and Todd Rosenstiel). Award: $250,000. Awarded (Summer, 2011)
- Oregon Department of Environmental Quality: Contract. Oregon Chemicals Policy and Management White Paper (Co-PI, with Professor Jennifer H. Allen). Award: $20,000. Awarded (Spring, 2011).
- NIH Loan Repayment Program Grant for Health Disparities Research. Vulnerabilities in Tobacco Control Policy.
To learn more about my ongoing research and other work, please visit my personal web page to see my current CV, my software webpage – which details the software I author, and my CrossValidated user page.
¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty
Experienced Faculty With Diverse Backgrounds
More than 150 faculty members work within the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. They have a wide range of expertise, from monitoring and assessing health risks and opportunities in populations, to helping build health-supporting social environments through policy, advocacy, and programs. They are educators, advisors, researchers, practitioners and community leaders. They come from backgrounds in quantitative, behavioral, environmental and social sciences, policy and government, exercise and health sciences and anthropology, among many other areas. They all work in collaboration with each other and with community partners, and are especially focused on the training and education of future leaders and practitioners in the public health fields.
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