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Byung Park¹

Photo of Byung Park¹
Professor Biostatistics
Office OHSU – HRC 14D58 Phone: (503) 418-0127


Byung Park is a professor of biostatistics in the School of Public Health and associate director of the Biostatistics Shared Resource at OHSU’s Knight Cancer Institute. His research as a collaborative Biostatistician has concentrated on design of clinical trials and statistical analysis methodologies on the fields of immunology including vaccine development and immunesenescence. He serves as a member of OHSU faculty senate representing the School of Public Health. He also is a member of the clinical research review committee (CRRC) at the Knight Cancer Institute. He is serving as faculty member for the AACR/ASCO Educational Workshop: Methods in Clinical Cancer Research.

Education, Degrees

Ph.D., Statistics, Oregon State University, 2002
M.S., Economics, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 1992
B.A., Economics, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 1990

Awards and Honors
  • 2002, Jerome Lee Award, Oregon State University
  • 2008, AACR Cancer Biostatistics Workshop Scholarship – Developing Targeted Agents


  • 5P30 CA69533-18 (Druker) 7/20/2011–6/30/2017  NIH/NCI GCNCR0356C38   OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Role: Biostatistician
  • 5R01AI104229-02 (Lewinsohn) 7/5/2013 – 6/30/2017  NIH/NIAID GPEDI0773A   The innate capacity of human T cells to respond to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Role: Biostatistician
  • 2P51OD011092-56 (Carbone) 5/01/2016 – 4/30/2017  NIH/OD GPRC55122 last year’s Direct cost Support for the Oregon National Primate Research Center  Role: Biostatistician
  • 1 R01 HD082208 01A1 (Xu) 8/13/2015-5/31/2020,  NIH,  Anti-Mullerian Hormone Actions to Control Primate Folliculogenesis Role: Co-Investigator
  • 1 U01 HD087182-01 (Frias), 9/1/2015 – 8/31/2019,  NIH/DHHS, $4,323,956 Functional imaging of human placental structure, blood flow, and oxygenation Role: Biostatistician
  • 1 R01 HL29060 01 (Spindel / McEvoy), 8/15/2015 – 5/31/2020, NIH/NHLBI, CPAP Drives Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function in Moderately Preterm Primates Role: Co-I
  • 1 R01 AI117802 01 (Sacha), 03/1/15 – 02/28/19,  NIH/NIAID, A Universal MHC-E-restricted T Cell Vaccine for HIV Role: Co-Investigator
  • R01 AA024757 (Ford),  04/01/16-03/31/19, NIH/NIAAA, GDNF Therapy to Block Relapse of Heavy Alcohol Use in Monkeys Role: Co-Investigator

¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty

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