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Faculty Directory

Jennifer Young²

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Adjunct Instructor Public Health Studies, Applied Health & Fitness, Environmental Systems & Human Health, Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Health Promotion & Urban Planning
Office PSU – URBN 780A Phone: (503) 789-3005


Jennifer Young’s expertise lies in public health nutrition with maternal, child and adolescent populations. Her areas of focus include: food insecurity; school health; unhealthy food marketing; obesity stigma; and healthy weight and development. She has worked on nutrition programs, projects and policy at the state and local level.

Young enjoys bringing her work experiences into the classroom as students explore the latest data, research, policy and legislation in action. She also has served as a preceptor for nearly thirty interns, and now works alongside many of them as colleagues in the field.

Young is currently working in a joint position among the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Public Health Division and the Oregon Department of Education to improve nutrition and physical activity in Oregon schools.

Education, Degrees

B.S., University of California, Davis, 1982
M.P.H., Loma Linda University, 1986
Ed.D., Portland State University, 2018

Awards and Honors

OHSU, Dietetic Intern Preceptor Service Award

¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty

Experienced Faculty With Diverse Backgrounds

More than 150 faculty members work within the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. They have a wide range of expertise, from monitoring and assessing health risks and opportunities in populations, to helping build health-supporting social environments through policy, advocacy, and programs. They are educators, advisors, researchers, practitioners and community leaders. They come from backgrounds in quantitative, behavioral, environmental and social sciences, policy and government, exercise and health sciences and anthropology, among many other areas. They all work in collaboration with each other and with community partners, and are especially focused on the training and education of future leaders and practitioners in the public health fields.

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