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Jessica Minnier²

Photo of Jessica Minnier²
Associate Professor Biostatistics
Office OHSU – KCRB 4144 Phone: (503) 494-3967


Jessica Minnier is an assistant professor of biostatistics in the School of Public Health and is also affiliated with the Knight Cardiovascular Institute and the Knight Cancer Institute’s Biostatistics Shared Resource.

Minnier maintains a comprehensive statistical research program focusing on the development and evaluation of risk prediction models as well as the analysis of high dimensional data. During her doctoral studies at Harvard University, she developed novel statistical methodology that uses machine-learning techniques to quantify a subject’s risk for disease based on a large number of genetic markers as well as environmental and clinical predictors. As a post-doctoral research fellow at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute, she collaborated with geneticists and epidemiologists to analyze genomic and epidemiological data to study colorectal cancer pathogenesis.

Minnier is committed to research that addresses statistical issues related to  risk assessment and the role of clinical and genetic predictors in the etiology of disease.

Education, Degrees

B.A., Mathematics, Lewis & Clark College, 2007
A.M., Biostatistics, Harvard University, 2009
Ph.D., Biostatistics, Harvard University, 2012

Awards and Honors
  • 2012, Finalist Best Statistics Student Paper Award, American Public Health Association
  • 2011, David P. Byar Travel Award for the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association Biometrics Section
  • 2011, Rose Traveling Fellowship in Chronic Disease Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
  • 2011, Distinguished Student Paper Award, ENAR International Biometrics Society
  • 2006, Barry M. Goldwater Scholar


  • U01 CA185094 , NIH/NCI Peters (PI) 09/17/14-08/31/17 Colorectal Tumor Risk Prediction in the PLCO Trial The study will use detailed risk-factor information for colorectal cancer (CRC), including genome-wide genetic data as well as lifestyle and environmental risk factors, to build and validate a comprehensive risk-prediction model using data from a large CRC consortium and the PLCO trial as an independent validation study. As Co-I, I participate in the development of the models and the statistical advisory of the study. Role: Co-Investigator, Site PI
  • 14NSBRI1-0025, NSBRI Lindner (PI) 06/01/15-04/30/17 Biomarker assessment for identifying heightened risk for cardiovascular complications during long-duration space missions With the proposed work we will explore new paradigms for: (a) predicting risk for developing atherosclerotic complications in astronauts, (b) monitoring in-flight changes in risk profile that may occur in the setting of deep space exploration, and (c) identifying endothelial susceptibility to the detrimental effects of space radiation. I oversee data collection and processing, coordinate with other statisticians and bioinformaticians on managing the data and performing statistical analyses. Role: Biostatistician
  • R01-HL123762, NIH/NHLBI Lindner (PI) 04/12/16-03/31/20 Augmentation of Tissue Perfusion in PAD with Ultrasound-mediated Cavitation The major goal of this project is to explore how ultrasound-mediated cavitation of microbubble contrast agents can produce augmentation in tissue perfusion, and to assess the mechanism by which flow increases. Role: Biostatistician
  • R21-NS094833-01, DHHS/NIH/IGNITE Stenzel-Poore (PI) 09/15/16-08/31/17 Development of Poly ICLC for neuroprotection against ischemic brain injury This proposal seeks to advance PolyICLC, a compound that has shown efficacy as a prophylactic treatment in mice, through our novel nonhuman primate stroke model, allowing for eventual translation into patients at risk of brain ischemic injury. Role: Biostatistician
  • P30 CA69533-18, NIH/NCI Druker (PI) 07/1/15-06/30/17 OHSU Knight Cancer Institute To support the Cancer Institute at Oregon Health & Science University, its programs, shared resources, and administration. Shared resources include; cancer pathology, flow cytometry, molecular biology, transgenic/gene knockout, gene array, clinical research management, biostatistics and informatics. The instruments of the Institute foster interdisciplinary coordination and collaboration of cancer research faculty at OHSU in basic, clinical, and population research. Role: Faculty

To learn more about my ongoing research and other work, please visit my personal website.


¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty

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