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Faculty Directory

Willi Horner-Johnson²

Photo of Willi Horner-Johnson²
Professor Epidemiology
Office OHSU – CDRC 1272C Institute on Development & Disability Phone: (503) 494-9273


Dr. Willi Horner-Johnson has a faculty appointment in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health as a Professor in the Epidemiology programs. In this role her work includes teaching courses, mentoring students, and collaborating on research with SPH primary faculty members.

In addition to his commitments to the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health (SPH), Dr. Horner-Johnson holds a faculty appointment in the OHSU’s Institute on Development & Disability. She studies health and healthcare disparities impacting individuals with disabilities, with a particular emphasis on individuals who also belong to other marginalized groups and may experience compounded disparities. Much of her current research focuses on reproductive health of women with disabilities, including contraceptive access and use and pregnancy intentions and outcomes.

Education, Degrees

B.A., Oberlin College, 1995
M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002

Awards and Honors
  • 2009, APHA Disability Section New Investigator Award


  • K12 HS019456 (Guise, JM)   09/01/2014 – 07/31/2017  AHRQ  Oregon Patient Centered Outcomes Research K12 Program, Role: K12 Scholar
  • R21HD081309 (Horner-Johnson, W)    07/25/2014 – 06/30/2017 , NIH/NICHD, Prevalence and Outcomes of Pregnancy in Women with Disabilities, Role: Principal Investigator

¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty

Experienced Faculty With Diverse Backgrounds

More than 150 faculty members work within the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. They have a wide range of expertise, from monitoring and assessing health risks and opportunities in populations, to helping build health-supporting social environments through policy, advocacy, and programs. They are educators, advisors, researchers, practitioners and community leaders. They come from backgrounds in quantitative, behavioral, environmental and social sciences, policy and government, exercise and health sciences and anthropology, among many other areas. They all work in collaboration with each other and with community partners, and are especially focused on the training and education of future leaders and practitioners in the public health fields.

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