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Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation

Project Description

The “Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation” is devoted to understanding and challenging antisemitism grounded in a deep commitment to justice and dignity for all people.

The curriculum and resources are participatory and interactive and build from people’s own wisdom, knowledge, histories, and experience.

-Some of the topics in the curriculum include:​
-Jewish Histories and Geographies
-Understanding Antisemitism
-Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation
-Perspectives on Histories of Antisemitism
-Intersecting Histories and Antisemitism
-US Historical Context: Immigration, Race and Racialization
-Antisemitism in the US Today: White Nationalism, Tropes, Conspiracy Theories, & more
-What Antisemitism is, and What It is Not; Use/Misuse of Data
-Challenges, Possibilities, and Strategies: Working Together for Collective Liberation

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Author: Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation
Resource Type: Website / Curriculum