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Jessina McGregor

Photo of Jessina McGregor
Community Based Associate Professor Epidemiology
Office South Waterfront – CLSB 5S088 Phone: (503) 494-4722


Dr. Jessina McGregor holds a community based faculty appointment in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health as an Associate Professor in the Epidemiology programs. In this role her work includes mentoring students and collaborating on research with primary faculty.

In addition to this commitment to the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health (SPH), Dr. McGregor is an appointed faculty member in the Oregon State University/Oregon Health & Science University College of Pharmacy. Her research over the last 10 years or more has focused on antibiotic utilization, antimicrobial stewardship, multidrug-resistant organisms and healthcare-associated infections. Dr. McGregor is currently engaged in several federal-, foundation-, and industry-funded research projects, including federally sponsored research that aims to reduce excess fluoroquinolone prescribing for urinary tract infections in primary care settings.

Education, Degrees

B.A., Oregon State University, 2001
B.S., Oregon State University, 2001
Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 2005

  • 1 R01 HS022706 – 01A1 (McGregor) 9/30/2014 – 9/29/2017,2.4 calendar months, AHRQ, $288,978,  Improving empiric therapy in ambulatory care.  Study aims to develop risk score that can inform prudent and appropriate antibiotic selection for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in primary care settings.
  • IFRA-0253 (Furuno, McGregor) 7/29/2016 – 7/31/2017 1.0 calendar months Merck, $90,058.  A retrospective cohort study of the safety and effectiveness of posaconazole for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections among immunocompromised patients.
  • 1009006_OSU (McGregor/Hartung) 1/1/2016 – 12/31/2021 2.4 calendar months, PCORI, $592,227 (Subaward total funding) Peer Review of PCORI’s Funded Research. The purpose of this project is for Dr. McGregor and Dr. Hartung to serve as editors, reviewing and synthesizing reviewer comments, assessing author response and rating reviewers on timeliness and quality as they pertain to PCORI methodology standards. Role: Associate Editor
  • HC-1510-06870 (Hartung)10/1/2016-9/30/2018 1.3 calendar months NMSS $411,151 Total Costs, Access, and Value of Multiple Sclerosis Disease-Modifying Therapies Evidence generated from this study can be used by NMSS and other MS stakeholders better advocate for policies to mitigate problems associated with the high costs of DMTs in the US. Role: Co-Investigator
  • CMV (Furuno) 1/4/2017-1/3/20180.6 calendar months, Merck, $94,529 Total. A Retrospective Cohort Study of the Benefits and Burdens of Preemptive Antiviral Therapy for CMV among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients. The goal of this project is to describe transplant modalities, prescribing patterns and clinical characteristics of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) patients receiving preemptive antiviral treatment for cytomegalovirus (CMV). Role: Co-Investigator
  • No Number (Pakyz) 9/1/2016 – 8/31/20211.8 calendar months CDC, $208,406 (subaward total) Development of NHSN’s AUR data and SAAR to support Antibiotic Benchmarking Program among Vizient Members. The goal of this project is to identify the optimal method for disseminating standardized antibiotic utilization data through usability testing among Vizient [formerly University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC)] members. Role: Subaward PI

¹ CEPH Primary Instructional Faculty
² CEPH Non-Primary Instructional Faculty

Experienced Faculty With Diverse Backgrounds

More than 150 faculty members work within the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. They have a wide range of expertise, from monitoring and assessing health risks and opportunities in populations, to helping build health-supporting social environments through policy, advocacy, and programs. They are educators, advisors, researchers, practitioners and community leaders. They come from backgrounds in quantitative, behavioral, environmental and social sciences, policy and government, exercise and health sciences and anthropology, among many other areas. They all work in collaboration with each other and with community partners, and are especially focused on the training and education of future leaders and practitioners in the public health fields.

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